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The Ploy of Western Propaganda

Linking Caste to Hindu Scriptures and de-linking Racism from the Bible


Exploitation of Caste by Christian Missionaries

"The gospel story is an artificial, non-historical work. It has been fabricated from source materials that can be identified and traced to their incorporation in the gospels. There is not a particle of hard evidence that 'Jesus of Nazareth' ever existed."

Harold Leidner  author of The Fabrication of the Christ Myth. For Cruelty inflicted by Christianity - Watch Constantine's Sword movie - By Oren Jacoby. Refer to Loot: in search of the East India Company - By Nick Robins and How India became poor -

Watch this moving Video America's native prisoners of war - By Aaron Huey -


“Christianity has been--and continues to be--a religion of empire.” - By Tim Mitchell

"Countless cultures, rich spiritual traditions and ancient way of life have been destroyed and tramped upon in the name of the “One God” of Monotheism."

Refer to Christianity vs. the old gods of Nigeria - September 4, 2007. Watch video on Christian aggression in Cauvery Layout, India Refer to Religious Freedom Report as a Political Weapon - According to the report, there seems to be mainly one discriminated minority in India : the Christian missionaries. Refer to Persecution complex - Evangelical lawmakers behind creation of USCIRF Refer to O'Reilly and McCain fear for the 'white, Chrisitan, male power structure'  Refer to I was born Catholic, Now a follower of Hinduism - By David Cardozo aka Vivek Bharat.


Archbishop Desmond Tutu (1931 - ) is a South African cleric and activist who rose to worldwide fame during the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid. Tutu was the first black South African Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa.  He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.

"It was Christians, you know, not Pagans, who were responsible for the Holocaust

It was Christians, not Pagans, who lynched people here in the South, who burned people at the stake, frequently in the name of this Jesus Christ"  

(source: Famous Quotes -  For Cruelty inflicted by Christianity - Watch Constantine's Sword movie - By Oren Jacoby

Refer to Christianity vs. the old gods of Nigeria - September 4, 2007.Refer to Christianity’s criminal history – By Karlheinz Deschner. Watch Hand of God movie: A must-see film on church sex scandal - - New Hampshire Public TV on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007 at 10 p.m. Refer to Christian persecution against the Hellenes - Refer to Refer to Think tank alleges British MPs involved in promoting evangelism in India - Refer to The Dead Sea Scrolls - An Eastern View of a Western Crisis - By N. S. Rajaram - Watch Sex crimes and the Vatican -  Watch Robertson Says All Other Religions Worship Demonic Powers - Refer to Slavery in the Bible - 

Ugwu is an intern with The Tide - Nigeria wrote:

"Wearing the mask of evangelism and the Bible as an instrument to deception, they (European colonial master) ravaged our mother land (Africa) beyond repair."

(source: How Europeans underdeveloped Africa -
Refer to Take a look at Slavery - 

The Cross And The Crescent As Conquest Weapons

It is instructive to first reflect on Williams' observation of the role alien religions played in the conquest of Afrikans and their effect on the Afrikan psyche.

The following extracts from Chapter One of The Destruction of Black Civilization provide Prof. Chancellor James Williams (1898-1992), insight into the matter:

"Other invaders found penetration easy under the banners of religion. Full advantage was taken of the fact that Afrikans are a very religious people. 

First came the Crescent flag of the Prophet. The Islamic advance was three-fold: proselytizing (convert from one religion to another) missions claiming one brotherhood; widespread intermarriages and concubinage with Afrikan women, due to the Muslim system of polygamy; and forceful conversions at sword point. 

The Cross of Jesus Christ followed the Muslim Crescent... (and) conversion here meant far more than conversion to Christianity. As in the case of Islam, it meant change into the white man's image, his ideas and value system. The real object of worship turned out to be...Western man and Western civilization. Christian brotherhood? 

Well, eh, yes! In principle. Or, to be practical, you Blacks can have all the Christian brotherhood you desire - among yourselves. "But what happened in the process of converting the Blacks to Islam and Christianity was the supreme triumph of the white world over the black. Millions of Afrikans became non-Afrikans. Afrikans who were neither Muslims nor Christians were classed 'pagans' and therefore required to disavow their whole culture and to regard practically all Afrikan institutions as 'backward' or savage.

The Blacks in their own right became non-persons, members of a race of nobodies, so hopeless that self-realization as personalities, even in a subordinate status, could only be achieved by becoming Muslims or Christians. Indeed, in order to destroy completely not only their Afrikan heritage, but also their very Afrikan identity psychologically, they were forced to change their names to Arabic and Christian names...Blacks at home in Afrika and Blacks scattered over the world bore the names of their enslavers and oppressors, the ultimate in self-effacement that promoted a self-hatred which made pride in the race difficult. That these psychological shackles still handicap not only the rebirth of modern Afrikan states, but also Blacks everywhere, should be obvious to all."

(source: The Cross And The Crescent As Conquest Weapons - By Bulago A. Chilume -  

Refer to Christian persecution against the Hellenes - Also refer to Christmas’ pagan origins - By Kelly Wittmann East Texas Review December 21, 2006).  Refer to Poverty in USA. Watch video on Christian aggression in Cauvery Layout, India Refer to The Criminal History of Papacy and Sex, lies and videotape: turmoil at the Vatican and Vatican forced to acknowledge debauched behaviour of priests and nuns and Victims of pedophile Christian priests.


Christianity Destroying innumerable cultures

Concerns for missionary aggression are not unique to India, but are universally experienced by native communities struggling to withstand assault from organized evangelism. In 2001, the World Congress for the Preservation of Religious Diversity met in New Delhi and discussed the problems of indigenous faiths, especially in the light of the inadequacy of protection afforded by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 1948.

Proselystization destroyed innumerable cultures and depleted the wisdom of the human race. Deploring unwholesome practices to encourage conversions, the World Congress noted that organizations, like the Church Planting Movement, had set up aggressive targets for the conversion of Jews, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. In one region of India, the number of churches rose from 547 in 1996 to 2000 in 1998, and more than 55,000 persons were converted to Christianity in just seven years. The World Congress asserted that such massive conversions could not be entirely voluntary, and that they necessarily resulted in animosity and retaliation among religious groups.

The World Congress for the Preservation of Religious Diversity resolved, inter alia, that proselythizing a person living in a community with a particular religious tradition is an act of violence against the person, the community and the religious tradition; that individuals and groups have the legitimate right to defend their religious tradition against proselytization; that it is imperative to preserve religious diversity and foster mutual respect for all religions through appropriate legislation and that a person converted from an indigenous tradition, culture, faith and belief has a right to return to his or her traditional belief.

The incessant pressure on surviving indigenous groups compelled the UN General Assembly to a late but timely recognize the worldwide loss of cultural diversity due to centuries of unwholesome physical and cultural annihilation of indigenous communities by politically organized religious groups. Eventually, the decade of 1995-2004 was dedicated as the International Decade of Indigenous Peoples, following global acknowledgement that native communities, estimated at around three hundred million worldwide, suffer extreme hardships as they struggle to retain their distinct cultural and religious traditions and lifestyles. UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali had said that indigenous had been pushed to ‘the margins of national and international life.’

On 13 September 2007, after more than twenty years of negotiations between nation states and indigenous peoples, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples with an overwhelming majority of 143 votes in favor, four against (Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, United States), and eleven abstentions. 

It is not without irony that the countries that voted against the declaration have the most brutalized indigenous populations in the world, and an unedifying history of genocide and almost unending atrocities. Australia and Canada have offered apologies for their treatment to the aborigines. (Australia – Stolen generations, Canada – residential school for aborigines). Neither the United States nor New Zealand have so far apologized, or signaled intent to do so.

(source: Evangelical Intrusions - By Sandhya Jain Rupa Publications p. 1 - 11).

Sunday the most segregated day in America?

"Despite Jesus' call for brotherly love, isn't Sunday the most segregated day in America? If not, how does one explain the need for English-speaking African-Americans and Hispanics of Christian faith to maintain separate places of worship? Many fundamentalist Christian groups in the US still maintain racial separation and frown upon inter-racial dating."

(source: Proselytization In India: An Indian Christian's Perspective - By C Alex Alexander -

Watch Hand of God movie: A must-see film on church sex scandal - - New Hampshire Public TV on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007 at 10 p.m. Refer to Historical Hypocrisy and plight of Native Americans -  No Thanks to Thanksgiving - Refer to LA church to pay $600M for clergy abuse - BBC news and Exposing Scandal in the Church: Key Players - by   - 


"But with the White man’s record of intolerance, slave trade, genocide, colonialism, imperialism, holocaust, apartheid, his record of human relations is indeed one of the worst. After this, how can he be superior to the Hindus? Which is why I object to the conversion of Hindus to Christianity. Christianity is a failure."

         - says M.S.N. Menon, columnist from India. Conversions were never a civilised affair - By M.S.N. Menon. 


During the last two hundred years, some socio-political movements inspired by western colonial powers have pitted groups against one another Aryans vs. Dravidians, North vs South, Brahmans vs Non-Brahmans. Higher Varnas vs. Lower, Caste Hindus vs Untouchables, Hindus vs Muslims, and so on. Some of these movements were intended to correct social aberrations, but they became tools in the hands of the imperialists who adopted the policy of divide and rule. Social and cultural history of India was systematically distorted by some Western Indologist.

The view that the Aryas were white in color and that they were divided into 3 classes – Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaisyas was proposed by some Western Indologists who telescoped race, color and varna. There is only one reference to Arya varna in Rg Veda. The context (3-34-9) does not support the interpretations dallied with by Griffith, the translator. Griffith deliberately introduced the notion of a racial conflict between the Aryas and the Dravidas based on color. The Vedic hymns have not made such a distinction nor implied any conflict between the two. Nor have the post-Vedic writings in Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit and Tamil mentioned such a conflict. Indian writings have not attributed white color to Aryas or black to Dravidas. The color and racial conflict is a Western concoction. Any objective search for facts will explode several myths propagated by Western Indologists and their Indian fans.  

The Lotus-Eyed God. Keshava, One Who Has Long, Black Matted Locks. Krishna, Dark-Complexioned Lord.  It has been said that in Krishna we have the fullest and the most perfect manifestation of the Divine.  

For decades Christian missionaries have used malicious propaganda against the caste system in India and abroad. They claim that the oppressive caste system is keeping Hindus in spiritual darkness and mired in poverty. It would be well for the missionaries to remember that Racism and Slavery are mentioned many times in the Bible. 

In 1452 Pope Nicholas V authorized Portugese to abduct blacks from Africa and force them into slavery. Dum Diversas, a bull authorising the Portuguese to reduce any non-Christians to the status of slaves, was issued by Papal authorities. All black people were depicted as the descendants of biblical Cain who killed righteous Abel and was later banished by thier father to Africa. This invented legend gave Christians needed theological justification to abduct and enslave blacks. Bible is full of verses supporting slavery.

  (For interesting article refer to Slavery in the Holy Bible - By Ed Viswanathan, author of 'Am I A Hindu? and The Bible Slavery Quiz - Watch The Bible is Bullshit - Penn & Teller examine the Bible
Refer to Evangelizing the Jews: The New Techniques - For more refer to chapter on Conversion and European Imperialism. Refer to The Last War: Racism, Spirituality, and the Future of Civilization - By Mark L. Perry Oxford). Discriminated Dalits should sue church - By Sandhya Jain. Refer to Jesus Christ: Artifice for Aggression - By Sita Ram Goel. Watch An Invasion through Conversion - and Confront the anti-Hindus: The only way to rescue Hinduism - By J.G. Arora and Refer to Take a look at Slavery - Watch Sex crimes and the Vatican - Refer to The Myth of Jesus Christ - By Nithin S - Refer to In the name of the Church - By Rahul Karmarkar.

Refer to Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis - By Philip Jenkins - Since 1982, 400 Catholic clergy (out of a total of 50,000 American priests) have been accused of sexual misconduct with minors. Refer to Refer to I was born Catholic, Now a follower of Hinduism - By David Cardozo aka Vivek Bharat


Why the Christian missionaries attack the institution of caste and in particular the Brahmin caste?

This propaganda has bloomed into a full-fledged anti-Brahminism, the Indian equivalent of anti-Semitism.

In an inter-faith debate, most Hindus can easily be put on the defensive with a single word-caste. Any anti-Hindu polemist can be counted on to allege that "the typically Hindu caste system is the most cruel apartheid, imposed by the barbaric white Aryan invaders on the gentle dark-skinned natives." Here's a more balanced and historical account of this controversial institution.

Merits of the Caste System

The caste system is often portrayed as the ultimate horror. Inborn inequality is indeed unacceptable to us moderns, but this does not preclude that the system has also had its merits.

Caste is perceived as an "exclusion-from," but first of all it is a form of "belonging-to," a natural structure of solidarity. For this reason, Christian and Muslim missionaries found it very difficult to lure Hindus away from their communities. Sometimes castes were collectively converted to Islam, and Pope Gregory XV (1621-23) decreed that the missionaries could tolerate caste distinction among Christian converts; but by and large, caste remained an effective hurdle to the destruction of Hinduism through conversion. That is why the missionaries started attacking the institution of caste and in particular the brahmin caste. This propaganda has bloomed into a full-fledged anti-brahminism, the Indian equivalent of anti-Semitism.

Every caste had a large measure of autonomy, with its own judiciary, duties and privileges, and often its own temples. Inter-caste affairs were settled at the village council by consensus; even the lowest caste had veto power. This autonomy of intermediate levels of society is the antithesis of the totalitarian society in which the individual stands helpless before the all-powerful state. This decentralized structure of civil society and of the Hindu religious commonwealth has been crucial to the survival of Hinduism under Muslim rule. Whereas Buddhism was swept away as soon as its monasteries were destroyed, Hinduism retreated into its caste structure and weathered the storm.

Caste also provided a framework for integrating immigrant communities: Jews, Zoroastrians and Syrian Christians. They were not only tolerated, but assisted in efforts to preserve their distinctive traditions. 

Typically Hindu?

It is routinely claimed that caste is a uniquely Hindu institution. Yet, counter examples are not hard to come by. In Europe and elsewhere, there was (or still is) a hierarchical distinction between noblemen and commoners, with nobility only marrying nobility. Many tribal societies punished the breach of endogamy rules with death.

Coming to the Indian tribes, we find Christian missionaries claiming that "tribals are not Hindus because they do not observe caste." In reality, missionary literature itself is rife with testimonies of caste practices among tribals. A spectacular example is what the missions call "the Mistake:" the attempt, in 1891, to make tribal converts in Chhotanagpur inter-dine with converts from other tribes. It was a disaster for the mission. Most tribals renounced Christianity because they chose to preserve the taboo on inter-dining. As strongly as the haughtiest brahmin, they refused to mix what God hath separated.Endogamy and exogamy are observed by tribal societies the world over. The question is therefore not why Hindu society invented this system, but how it could preserve these tribal identities even after outgrowing the tribal stage of civilization. The answer lies largely in the expanding Vedic culture's intrinsically respectful and conservative spirit, which ensured that each tribe could preserve its customs and traditions, including its defining custom of tribal endogamy.

The most famous example is the 17th-century freedom fighter Shivaji, a shudra who was accorded kshatriya status to match his military achievements. The geographical spread of Vedic tradition was achieved through large-scale initiation of local elites into the varna order. From 1875 onwards, the Arya Samaj has systematically administered the "purification ritual" (shuddhi) to Muslim and Christian converts and to low-caste Hindus, making the dwija.

Conversely, the present policy of positive discrimination has made upper-caste people seek acceptance into the favored Scheduled Castes. Veer Savarkar, the ideologue of Hindu nationalism, advocated intermarriage to unify the Hindu nation even at the biological level. Most contemporary Hindus, though now generally opposed to caste inequality, continue to marry within their respective jati because they see no reason for their dissolution.

Racial Theory of Caste

Nineteenth-century Westerners projected the colonial situation and the newest race theories on the caste system: the upper castes were white invaders lording it over the black natives. This outdated view is still repeated ad-nauseam by anti-Hindu authors: now that "idolatry" has lost its force as a term of abuse, "racism" is a welcome innovation to demonize Hinduism. In reality, India is the region where all skin color types met and mingled, and you will find many brahmins as black as Nelson Mandela. Ancient "Aryan" heroes like Rama, Krishna , Draupadi, Ravana (a brahmin) and a number of Vedic seers were explicitly described as being dark-skinned.

But doesn't varna mean "skin color?" The effective meaning of varna is "splendor, color," and hence "distinctive quality" or "one segment in a spectrum." The four functional classes constitute the "colors" in the spectrum of society. Symbolic colors are allotted to the varna on the basis of the cosmological scheme of "three qualities" (triguna): white is sattva (truthful), the quality typifying the brahmin; red is rajas (energetic), for the kshatriya; black is tamas (inert, solid), for the shudra; yellow is allotted to the vaishya, who is defined by a mixture of qualities.

Finally, caste society has been the most stable society in history. Indian communists used to sneer that " India has never even had a revolution." Actually, that is no mean achievement.

(source: Why the Christian missionaries attack the institution of caste and in particular the brahmin caste? - By Koenraad Elst).

Buddhist influence grows among African-Americans
By Shelvia Dancy (The News & Observer Raleigh)


According to author Paul William Roberts, "Conversion has largely failed in India because Christianity offers nothing that is not already available somewhere in the many forms of Hinduism. Hinduism never rejected the teachings of Jesus. Those who have converted either agreed with a gun pressed at their skulls as in Goa, or because it provided an escape from caste tyranny, as well as a guaranteed professional advancement. Through its Vedic legacy, Hinduism respects all faiths. It clearly states that God is one, but has many forms. The Christian message must sound preposterous: that God is indeed one, but has only one recognized form, his son. The "savages" of India were sophisticated - so sophisticated that the imperialist mixture of church and state in Europe could not grasp such sophistication. "The sheer power of Hinduism terrified the Christian soldiers."

The British were more cunning at the game than the Portuguese, careful to show respect for Indian religions. Yet they sneered at the pagans behind their back, educated the Indian elite in British-run schools, or at Eton and Cambridge - which, if it did not guarantee conversion to Christianity, resulted in lapsed Hinduism, agnosticism, or an intellectual humanism. 

In India, Anglo indoctrination produced a generation of "brown sahibs" who looked down on the religion of the masses, the opium of the people. Such is the power of colonization that a whole generation must pass before the paralyzing spell wears off."   

(source: Empire of the Soul: Some journeys in India - By Paul William Roberts p. 323-325). Refer to The Myth of Saint Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva Temple. Refer to Jesus Christ: Artifice for Aggression - By Sita Ram Goel

Alain Danielou has observed:

"The use of Christianity spread by missionaries as a means of assimilating conquered peoples has had disastrous results on every side."

(source: Virtue, Success, Pleasure, & Liberation : The Four Aims of Life in the Tradition of Ancient India - by Alain Danielou  p. 49). Refer to Take a look at Slavery - 

Dalit Christians - Still they face Discrimination in Christianity

Centuries ago, as their forefathers faced social and economic deprivation, many low-caste Hindus embraced Christianity. But in one corner of southern India , their hopes for equality remain unfulfilled hundreds of years on. Called "pariahs", hundreds of Dalit Christians continue to face discrimination - not from Hindus but fellow Christians. More than 200km (124 miles) from Chennai, the capital of the southern state of Tamil Nadu, is the village of Eraiyur .

Inequality and discrimination in the Christian graveyard?

Lower caste Dalit Christian converts buried to the right of the wall and upper caste Christian converts buried the the left of the wall, in a village in Tamilnadu - South India. Conversion hasn't helped none. Their life was better being a Hindu.

Refer to Critique of Hindu American Foundation's Report on 'Caste' – By Rajiv Malhotra -

Refer to Breaking India: Western Inventions and Dalit Faultlines - By Rajiv Malhotra and Aravindan Neelakandan


Home to about 3,000 Dalit Christians, mostly farm labourers and migrant workers, the area witnessed violence last year when Dalits demanded equal treatment. The village is dominated by Vanniyar Christians numbering 15,000, who own most of the land and businesses. They imposed restrictions on Dalits even though they had also converted to Christianity. When they visited the parish church they were not allowed to walk on the main street leading to the building. Instead they had to use a side street that led to the church gate. When Dalits died they were not allowed to be buried in the cemetery. Their burial ground is beyond the village and can only be accessed through a broken path.

Dalit Christians - Still they face Discrimination in Christianity -


A Pluralist’s encounter with a Missionary

Once, a Southern Baptist missionary was my co-passenger in a flight. Like every missionary out to seek a convert, he was pleasant. After learning that I am a Hindu he asked, “Is the caste system going away in India?” I quipped “Why should it go away?” He was surprised by my response and remarked, “You are the first Hindu who responded this way. Most Hindus agree that caste must go away and say that it is slowly going away.”

I decided to turn the tables on him. I asked him, “What language do the African Americans speak?” He replied, “English.” I asked, “What did their ancestors speak 500 years ago?” He began to contemplate. I thought that I might have to wait for eternity like the Christians have waited for the second coming of their messiah before the missionary would answer, so I prompted him, “Swahili? Hausa?” He agreed, “Yes.” I asked, “Do the African Americans worship the animist deities of their ancestors? Do they wed and bury per their ancestral customs?” The missionary replied, “No.”

I said that one could replace African Americans with any immigrant group: The Dutch, the Germans, the French or the Latinos. I added, “What you proudly advertise as the melting pot actually imposed the language, culture, religion and customs of the dominant ethnic group on all others. On the other hand, visit even a small village in India with just 300 families. The chances are that this population would be made up of 10 different castes and each of them retains its distinct religious, wedding, funerary, culinary and dialectic features. This is because, as a truly pluralistic society, the Hindu India allowed each ethnic group, regardless of how numerically small it was, to retain its identity.”

“So,” I added, “Caste is a result of this spirit of freedom and pluralism. It is something to be proud of. On the other hand, the so-called melting pot is actually a result of cultural, and often physical, extermination of diverse identities by one intolerant and powerful group.”

I continued to pontificate:
“Like every other man made institution, caste too has been misused. Then, so has been every other man made institution like democracy or secularism. It was a democratically elected Hitler who exterminated 6 million Jews, Gypsies and mentally retarded patients. 

It was a democratically elected Thomas Jefferson who fixed the worth of every African American child at $ 22.50 and proposed to forcibly snatch them away from their parents and ship them back to Africa after ensuring that the adult African American population does not procreate any further. It was a democratically elected Roosevelt who declared that the extermination at the hands of the Whites was the best thing that happened to the Native Americans. Stalin and Mao were secular but they mercilessly sent millions to death camps.”

I asked him, “Is anyone demanding that democracy or secularism be abandoned because of a Jefferson, Roosevelt, Hitler, Stalin or Mao? Why should caste be abandoned just because it was misused? Hindus have systematically addressed caste inequities over the last 80 years or so. If we assume that we rid our society of all discriminations in the next 30 years, members of every caste, be it Brahmin, Kayastha, Maratha or Paraiyah could proudly say that they follow the millennia old religion, customs and dialects of their forefathers. Suppose the Christian West similarly resolves racial discriminations, could an African American, Dutch American or Latino make similar assertion?”

I pointed out that in the casteless Christian West, the minorities have been forced to abandon their identities and instead have been made to imitate the dominant group in every aspect of life such as religion, language, wedding and funeral customs. 

I cited the words of Nathan Katz and pointed out how Hindu pluralism, of which caste is an integral part, actually preserved minority customs. Katz, while discussing how the Jewish people flourished for centuries amidst the Hindus, writes:

"A crucial distinction between India and the rest of the Diaspora, however, is that in India acculturation is not paid for in the currency of assimilation. By acculturation I mean fitting comfortably into a society while retaining one's own identity, whereas by assimilation I mean that the loss of that identity is a perceived condition for acceptance. The study of Indian Jewish communities demonstrates that in Indian culture an immigrant group gains status precisely by maintaining its own identity. Such is the experience not only of India's Jews, but also of local Christians, Zoroastrians, and recently, Tibetan Buddhists. This striking feature of Indian civilization is reflected by each of these immigrant groups.

Now let us forget the Southern Baptist missionary and ask the Hindus: Would this preservation have been possible without the spirit of pluralism, which was ensured by the caste system? Are the Hindus going to repeat the missionary propaganda and deny the strengths of their own civilization or are they going to understand the institution of caste dispassionately? The missionary and the imperialist know that the institution of caste must be obliterated if the Hindu society were to be weakened and converted. A Hindu should critically analyze his traditions instead of uncritically absorbing propaganda.

(source: A Pluralist’s encounter with a Missionary - By Kalavai Venkat - Hindu Renaissance).  Watch Sex crimes and the Vatican -  Refer to Christian Pastor had sex with daughters - Sydney Morning Herald. Refer to The Myth of Jesus Christ - By Nithin S - Refer to In the name of the Church - By Rahul Karmarkar.  Refer to Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust - By Kevin Annett and documentary Unrepentant and Canada's Genocide and Plot to Kill Barak Obama and Ku Klux Klan warns race war if Obama wins


Caste system a favorite whipping boy for the West to demonize Hinduism ?

"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her"  - said Jesus Christ  (John 8:7).


Living as Dalit (Oppressed) Christians - By P.N. Benjamin
"Physician, heal thyself!" 

"I am a Hindu because it is Hinduism which makes the world worth living. "

                                                                                                - Mahatma Gandhi - Young India 1 - 12 -1926).

Refer to Defaming of Hinduism-I – By V Sundaram – and Defaming of Hinduism-II – By V Sundaram –

For more on Christian Intolerance refer to chapters on The Goa Inquisition, European Imperialism, Conversion, and First Indologists. Watch video on Christian aggression in Cauvery Layout, India and Refer to Petition: Christians against proselytism

In a reply to a question are not Christians entitled to combat untouchablility, Mahatma Gandhi 1869-1948) was among India's most fervent nationalists, fighting for Indian independence from British rule. Gandhi rose to the eminence of being called “amoral genius” by no less a person than the celebrated British philosopher C. E. M Joad. (For more on Joad refer to Quotes301_320).

Gandhi, a devout Hindu, said:

"Not only are the Christians entitled, but it is their duty to combat untouchablility in their own midst. But if the question is that Christians should combat untouchablility in Hinduism my answer is that they simply cannot do it because untouchablility of Hinduism should not be untouchablility of Christians."


Double Discrimination ?

Social justice has been one of the main concerns of the Catholic and Protestant Churches in India since the 1960s. Though social justice is a profound idea, yet, like many other profound ideas, it gets profaned when men who mouth it are sans character. That is why "almost 20 million Dalit Christians have been tamed and reduced to eternal slaves of the organised Church bodies," as a statement issued by a Dalit Christian organisation revealed recently.

To corrupt George Orwell's famous aphorism: all Indian Christians are equal, but some are more equal than others. By embracing Christianity, the Dalits have not found themselves emancipated from economic and social inequalities. Conversions have neither offered the Dalits a way of escape from the bondage of caste nor have they fostered the social transformation of the Dalit Christians. They still live under the same conditions of discrimination, exploitation and oppression.

The Dalit Christians are "twice alienated', both by the Government and the Church. On the one hand they are denied, as Christians, the rights and benefits availed of by their fellow Dalits, and on the other, as Dalits, they are dominated and persecuted by the upper castes and the elite Dalits within the Church. The majority of Dalit Christians suffers from economic disparities, demoralising social discrimination and cruel denial of equal rights.

The Church has sinned more than others in perpetuating social injustices against Dalit Christians. 

In Indian Christian communities, caste discrimination takes many forms. There are some churches built for separate groups. These places of worship even today retain their caste identity. Another example of casteist practice is allotting separate places in churches. Usually, the Christians of Scheduled Caste origins occupy the rear of the church. A glaring instance of caste distinction is found among the dead. The dead of the Dalit communities are buried in separate cemeteries.

It is said that charity begins at home. But, the home (Church) where it begins, the Dalits Christians do not belong. According to a study, all the landed properties of churches in India put together, the church is the second biggest landlord in the country, next only to the Government. In addition, the Church institutions and Church or Christians-led NGOs receive foreign financial support amounting to over Rs. 2500 crores per year. There is no transparency with regard to these funds as well the massive income accruing from the elite schools, colleges and hospitals and also shopping complexes built all over the major cities in the country. The poor Dalit Christian does not even get the crumbs, leave alone participation in Church matters. There seems to be a vested interest in keeping the Dalit Christians where they are to maintain the status quo in the Church.

To a religion that has always prided itself on the advocacy of complete equality of all human beings, irrespective of caste, colour or race, the charge of discrimination within its own family is galling. Strangely enough, the Church has won its adherents in this country on the strength of its teaching about the dignity of all human beings and its rejection of distinctions based on birth, colour and race. Now it finds itself charged with failures on this very score.

Church of South India Synod Executive Committee recently declared: "Caste discrimination is a blot against humanity. Caste is a direct assault on 200 million Dalits of India denying them their dignity and humanity and as Church we condemn this draconian discrimination."  After reading it, one is tempted to tell the CSI leaders: "Physician, heal thyself!"

(source: Living as Dalit (Oppressed) Christians - By P.N. Benjamin - Deccan Herald - January 9, 2004). Refer to Amen - an autobiography of a nun and Mote and the beam - By Sandhya Jain 

Christian casteism: Only in India: A Brahmin groom for a Catholic bride

When Winnie D'Souza wanted to marry her daughter into a ‘decent' family, she scanned the matrimonial columns of Catholic periodicals in Panaji. After shortlisting a few young men, D'Souza made inquiries about their caste. She wanted her daughter to marry a Brahmin. Most Catholic publications do not list caste categories as they did 20 years ago, but casteism has not disappeared among Christians. It has merely become more subtle.

Unlike Bihar, Orissa and the North-East, which have large tribal Christian populations, the Christians of Goa, Kerala and Tamil Nadu remain in thrall to the caste categories of their Hindu ancestors.

Father Augustine Kanjamala, a theologian in Mumbai, has researched caste among Christians. Caste exists in different forms in various Christian communities, he says. In Kerala the Christians admitted to the faith almost 2,000 years ago are called Syrian Christians. They are better off than Latin Christians, who are mainly from poorer communities. Syrian Christians and Latin Christians do not inter-marry. They even have different institutions to train their priests.

In Goa, Christians belonging to Brahmin or Charado (Kshatriya) castes are more privileged than the others. They dominate Church institutions and activities. Father Augustine says that in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, Dalit Christians are not given much access to Church festivities. Sometimes they are reduced to having a separate church. "In Mangalore, a few families of Dalit Christians have returned to Hinduism as they felt humiliated living among Christians who discriminated against them,” says Father Augustine. "Caste will not die out in the Church easily..."

(source: Christian casteism: Only in India: A Brahmin groom for a Catholic bride - Refer to Evangelical Intrusions - By Sandhya Jain  Rupa Publications.

There is rampant casteist mentality in Christianity that takes pride in the egalitarian nature of its society. 

Its missionaries sell dignity to the underclasses in the Hindu society but forget about it after their conversion to Christianity. 


Logically, the term ‘Dalit Christians’ is self-contradictory. How can a person be a ‘Dalit’ (oppressed) when he is a Christian?

Watch The Bible is Bullshit - Penn & Teller examine the Bible and How many people have been killed by Christians since Biblical times? -

Refer to Petition: Christians against proselytism and The Problem of Christian Missionaries - By Dr. Koenraad Elst

Refer to Christian persecution against the Hellenes - Also refer to The Dark Bible - Refer to Things They Don't Tell you about Christianity. Refer to Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust - By Kevin Annett and documentary Unrepentant and Canada's Genocide. Refer to Religious Freedom Report as a Political Weapon - According to the report, there seems to be mainly one discriminated minority in India : the Christian missionaries. Refer to Amen - an autobiography of a nun Refer to Persecution complex - Evangelical lawmakers behind creation of USCIRFWatch Hand of God movie: A must-see film on church sex scandal - - New Hampshire Public TV on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2007 at 10 p.m. Refer to Refer to Think tank alleges British MPs involved in promoting evangelism in India - Watch video - Christian Missionary Misdeeds in India. For Cruelty inflicted by Christianity - Watch Constantine's Sword movie - By Oren Jacoby.

Refer to Loot: in search of the East India Company - By Nick Robins and How India became poor -


The Hindu society at least throws up periodically reformers who champion the cause of Dalits who are useful to Christianity only to swell its flock. But now Dalit Christians are more untouchable in Christianity than they were in their original faith. 

Most Pakistani Christians today still do the same work as their untouchable ancestors: sweeping the streets and doing other menial jobs deemed ritually or literally unclean by higher-caste Hindus. (The Untouchables' Church despite a Catholic bishop's protest suicide in 1998, Christians holds little hope for repeal of blasphemy law, Ethan Casey in Pakistan. Christianity Today Magazine).

(source: Does Indian Christianity allow untouchability? - By Laura Kelly & Christian Hendersen). Refer to chapter on European Imperialism, First Indologists and Conversion. Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth. Watch An Invasion through Conversion - Watch Sex crimes and the Vatican -


White Supremacy and Human Rights

"Evangelical Christianity, born in England and nurtured in the United States , is leaving home."

                    -  Paul Nussbaum, author of Evangelical Christianity shifting outside West - Philadelphia Inquirer  Feb 20, 2006.  Refer to Refer to Things They Don't Tell you about Christianity.  Refer to I was born Catholic, Now a follower of Hinduism - By David Cardozo aka Vivek Bharat


The invisibility of white supremacy masks how violence and the threat of violence guarantee its durability.

White people assert their moral right to use violent force whenever their group interests are threatened. People of color have no equivalent moral right to defend themselves against European aggression, especially when such aggression is done in the name of "law and order" [and nowadays, in the name of "human rights."]

This paradoxical belief has been a powerful weapon with which to steal and exploit land and other natural resources, to defend slavery and racism, to condemn lesbians and gays, and to deride all who are not Christian. Those who are not white or Christian are expected, at best to merge into the dominant culture and political system, or worst, to remain invisible and not to challenge white Christian hegemony.

(source: Dialog on Whiteness Studies - By Rajiv Malhotra - Refer to Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis - By Philip Jenkins - Since 1982, 400 Catholic clergy (out of a total of 50,000 American priests) have been accused of sexual misconduct with minors.

Missionaries and Western media have used caste to undermine and demonize Hinduism, its culture and its institutions to its advantage. The main objective is to harvest as many converts as they can. The idea is to paint Christianity as the ideal Egalitarian and compassionate religion, in order to lure Tribals, Dalits and other oppressed Hindus in India. The Roman Catholic Church was aware that caste system and Hinduism were so bound together that even when a Hindu ceased to be a Hindu he mentioned his caste. So the Church proceeded with the conversion retaining the caste system, as a market concession!

William Ernest Hocking reported in a statement about Indian Christians:

 "It is remarkable fact that the outstanding Christians in India are the first generation.. We had thought that the third and fourth generation would be much more outstanding...The reasons why the first generation people were wonderful was because they brought over their Hindu culture, and they were at home in their own categories. They had their roots in the cultural past: therefore they were natural. The second generation were taken out, and became neither good Europeans nor good Indians. The second and third generation Christians are neither this nor that. In that period, the Indian Christian had lost his soul. A nationalist said to me, 'Your Indian Christian is a man out of gear; he isn't in gear with your people, and he out of gear with us" 

(source: Conversion to Christianity: Aggression in India - By Dr. M. S. Srinivasan p. 76). Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth and Confront the anti-Hindus: The only way to rescue Hinduism - By J.G. Arora and Refer to Take a look at Slavery -


In spite of the lofty claims, Christianity has failed to eradicate the caste system. It did not succeed because class distinctions persisted even in their folds. Dalit Christians are still discriminated even in the Church.

In the Catholic Church today the name 'Dalit Christians' is used to denote Christians of scheduled caste origin. The problem of the Dalit Christians has come to focus today. The Dalit Christians are in fact discriminated against by the government and the churches.

Churches in India and world-wide claim that they do not discriminate on caste lines and they criticize Hindu society for caste discrimination day in and day out. But the fact remains that churches practice discrimination based on caste. According to the reports 70 per cent of the Tamil Catholics are Dalits. It is reported that out of 14 Bishops in Tamil Nadu only one is a Dalit. The percentage of Tamil priests is only four per cent. In addition, the existence of separate churches for Dalits in Kerala makes a mockery of these "tall" claims. Apart from cutting off converted people from their roots and heritage, (like the Blacks in the U.S. who worship in separate churches) the Church has achieved little.

A Dalit Christian priest's feelings have been expressed in the following words: 

" We do understand that vocation is from God, but it boggles our mind why He should choose His priests from non-Dalit only. Is God too casteist? Does He also practice un-touchability?'"

Koenraad Elst has pointed out the plight of the Dalit Christians in India:

"The "Dalit-Christian" are low-caste people who have been lured into conversion with the promise of (1) eternal Salvation by Jesus Christ the Savior, our Lord, and (2) freedom from the low-caste status as well as from poverty. These Dalit Christians held a demonstration in Delhi to demand reservations, on the plea that they are still as poor and low-caste as before conversion."

(source: Ayodhya and After - By Koenraad Elst Voice of India Issues Before Hindu Society SKU: INBK2650  p.258). Refer to  Discriminated Dalits should sue church - By Sandhya Jain. Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth. Watch Sewa or Service work by RSS.

Archbishop John Sentamu - He has often attacked the Church of England for being institutionally racist.

(source: Archbishop John Sentam - Refer to Petition: Christians against proselytism

Pope Benedict says Child abuse is normal -  If child abuse in the Church is normal then why should caste be a problem at all?


Pope calls for Targeting of Lower Caste Hindus for Conversion

John Paul II told a group of Indian bishops that the Church should target lower caste Hindus for conversion in an attempt to end caste-based discrimination. At the same time, he has condemned the caste system when he met with the bishops of the ecclesiastical provinces of Madras-Mylapore, Madurai and Pondicherry-Cuddalore, at the conclusion of a series of five-yearly visits by the prelates of India. In particular the Pope, declared to pursue certain segments of Hindu society: "At all times, you must continue to make certain that special attention is given to those belonging to the lowest castes, especially the Dalits," he exhorted the bishops.


The Bible-derived creeds are founded on a central figure (Jehovah, God, Allah or History) who commands the exclusive and overriding allegiance of the believers. 

He is jealous, cruel and brooks no rival. 

To equate or identify Him (e.g. Allah) with gods worshipped by people of other faiths (e.g. Rama or God of the Bible) is to insult him by denying his supremacy.

Refer to Religious conflict: Tracing the roots   - By Virendra Parekh -

(image source:


In the past, the Church has heavily targeted weaker members of Indian society for conversion that are not as closely affiliated with mainstream Hinduism. Such “soft targets” that the church continues to aggressively target are lower caste Hindus, low income families, women, young children and adolescents and rural or tribal communities. The church has also justified their targeting of these groups by claiming they are “persecuted”. However, many have criticized the Church for simply exploiting the impoverished situation of these groups for the church’s gain with no genuine concern for their welfare. The Pope vowed to end "discrimination based on race, color, creed, sex or ethnic origin.” "Ignorance and prejudice must be replaced by tolerance and understanding," John Paul II said, repeating the words he expressed during a homily in Indira Gandhi Stadium, New Delhi, on Feb. 2, 1986.

Yet notably, the Pope never mentioned to end discrimination based on religion, an apartheid the Church is guilty of. Before the Pope preaches his next sermon, perhaps he should listen to his own advice: ignorance and prejudice of non-Christian faiths must be replaced by tolerance and understanding.

(source: Pope calls for Targeting of Lower Caste Hindus for Conversion - Indians Against Christian Aggression). For more refer to chapter on Conversion). 

Cigarette, Drug Companies and Christianity

Unable to sell their wares in the West - All head to The Third World

Some Western drug companies spend millions of dollars developing and marketing a new drug only to have the health authorities later discover that it has dangerous side-effects and then ban it. Needing to recover their investment and unable to sell their drug in the West some of these companies try to market their dangerous products in the Third World where public awareness of health issues is low and indifferent governments can be brought off.

Some might say that Christianity is a bit like this.  

Having lost much of their following in the West, churches are now beginning to look for opportunities elsewhere. Of course the Islamic world is out of the question. Even the most optimistic evangelist knows that the chance of spreading the Gospel amongst Muslims is nil. The obvious targets are Africa, India and the Buddhist countries of Asia . In China today Christianity is growing so fast that they can hardly build the churches quick enough to hold all the new converts. The gentle hill tribes people of Thailand and Laos are falling prey to the missionaries one by one.

But does Christianity really do a better job of solving social problems? The evidence that it does is very thin. Christianity failed miserably to bring peace to northern Ireland, in fact, it was the main cause of the problem. Germany 's long tradition of Catholicism and Protestantism did not prevent Nazism taking root there. South Africa 's Dutch Reformed Church was an ardent supporter of apartheid and all its oppression and cruelty. The prevalence of evangelical Christianity in the southern United States , the so-called 'Bible Belt,' has not prevented it being the poorest and most raciest part of that country. And the racial segregation in the south is never more obvious than on Sunday morning when black and white people still go to separate churches; 'Hallelujha and praise the Lord but worship him in your own church!'

(source: Planning the Demise of Buddhism - By Allen Carr -


Petition against reservation benefits to Christian SC/ST

“Every Indian Christian is considered to be a second class Christian in the Vatican” -  Paulos Mar Gregorios

“Every Indian Christian is considered to be a second class Christian in the Vatican” -- this was revealed by the late Paulos Mar Gregorios (1922- 1996) who was the Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Church in Delhi. He was a man of much substance. In addition to his religious qualifications he was a distinguished scholar. At one time he was the President of the Indian Philosophical Congress. He was also for some time the President of the World Council of [Christian] Churches. 

Metropolitan Gregorios asked the Pope John Paul II what he thought was the reason for such a small percentage of Indians having converted to Christianity although it had been in India for so long. The Pope said to him the reason was that the Indian mind was not developed enough to understand the subtlety of thought of St. Gregory of Nyssa or of St. Thomas Aquinas. Somewhat taken aback Metropolitan Gregorios asked the Pope if he had read Shankara or Nagarjuna. He was immediately shown out of the room where the audience was taking place. 

I found the incident merely amusing because I did not find this surprising at all, but he had been much saddened by it, for the issue was more personal for him. As he said, he realized for the first time and first hand that every Indian Christian is considered to be a second class Christian in the Vatican. This was even more galling for him because he belonged to a branch of Christianity as ancient as any.

It illustrates that the Eurocentricism, and the associated sense of superiority of the European races and culture, which has very much coloured Christian doctrine, does not seem to have yet suffered the fact of the shift in religious demographics.

(source: What Calls You, Pilgrim? - By Ravi Ravindra - Refer to  Discriminated Dalits should sue church - By Sandhya Jain. Refer to Jesus Christ: Artifice for Aggression - By Sita Ram Goel and Insults to the Mahatma, ignored by India -  Refer to Christian Pastor had sex with daughters - Sydney Morning Herald. 

Refer to Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis - By Philip Jenkins - Since 1982, 400 Catholic clergy (out of a total of 50,000 American priests) have been accused of sexual misconduct with minors.  

Refer to Gay Bashing in the Bible - "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13.

Time for Pope and Media to convert to reality - By Anil Nayyar

Ever since he targetted India as a fertile land for 'rich harvest', the Pope and his phalanx have found something to criticise in India. Sometimes it is riots. Sometimes it is about the laws against conversions. And now it is about casteism. The learned Pope has spoken as if casteism is a phenomenon of the Hindus. But as anyone who has interacted with Christians, here in India or elsewhere, will bear out that casteism, which is another form of discrimination, is alive and kicking (literally) among them (Christians)

If still the Pope and those from India to whom the pontiff had spoken are not convinced, and believe that Christianity is a panacea to Dalits, there are empirical studies by sociologists prove that the underprivileged status of the Dalit Christians remains the same. 

(The Plight of Christian Dalits: A South Indian Case Study (Bangalore: Asian Trading Corporation, 1997); Jose Kananaikil, Scheduled Caste Converts and Social Disabilities: A Survey of Tamil Nadu (New Delhi: Indian Social Institute, 1990).  Refer to Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress - By Howard Zinn

(source: Time for Pope and media to convert to reality - By Anil Nayyar - Refer to  Discriminated Dalits should sue church - By Sandhya Jain and Confront the anti-Hindus: The only way to rescue Hinduism - By J.G. Arora and

Conversions threaten a way of life

At the same time, my 30 years in India have taught me that nowhere in the world has there been so much effort to rectify a wrong -- from 1947 onwards. This resulted in a Dalit, the late K R Narayanan, born in a poor village of Kerala, to be elected President of India, one of the highest posts in this nation.  


K R Narayanan, a Dalit, to be elected President of India, one of the highest posts in the nation.

Has a a Native American ever been President of the United States?  

The bastion of democracy, religious freedom and human rights — the mostly white Christian United States, to paraphrase the description of India by Western correspondents — has had only Christian white male as President. Yet the US Commission on International Religious Freedom has the gall to castigate New Delhi for its record on protecting the rights of minorities. 

Plot to Kill Barak Obama and Ku Klux Klan warns race war if Obama wins

Watch An Invasion through Conversion - and Confront the anti-Hindus: The only way to rescue Hinduism - By J.G. Arora and Watch Sewa or Service work by RSSRefer to The United States Government War Against the American Indian Movement - and The Covert War Against Native Americans - by Ward Churchill. Also refer to Ancient Struggle Continues, Scholars Remain Clueless - By Vrndavan Parker and Refer to Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress - By Howard Zinn and Refer to Take a look at Slavery -

Refer to The  Genocidal war being waged against Iraq and its people by the Anglo-American imperialists - Iraq Body Count. Refer to The Dead Sea Scrolls - An Eastern View of a Western Crisis - By N. S. Rajaram - Refer to Things They Don't Tell you about Christianity.


Has a black man ever been President of the United States?

Reservations for Dalits have made it possible for them to access education and jobs regardless of their merits -- and this is a unique feature of India today. 

Look at what happened to countries like Hawaii, or to the extraordinary Aztec culture in South America, after Portuguese and Spanish missionaries took over.

(source: Conversions threaten a way of life - By Francois Gautier - Refer to The Last War: Racism, Spirituality, and the Future of Civilization - By Mark L. Perry Oxford). New Orleans Unmasks 'Apartheid - American Style' - By Jason Miller and Refer to Gay Bashing in the Bible - "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13.


World-wide, both Christianity and Islam have discriminated against low caste converts, reneging blithely on promises of social equality and economic upliftment. It is this, rather than active or passive discrimination by the secular Indian State, that has resulted in the poor educational status of their adherents. Various Christian denominations mint money by providing school, college and professional education to rich and middle class Hindu children; vigorously evangelize amongst the poor, but deny them true empowerment that comes from education .

(source:  Sharpening communal faultlines - By Sandhya Jain). Refer to Confront the anti-Hindus: The only way to rescue Hinduism - By J.G. Arora and


Pope approves caste as a conversion strategy

Papal Document, 1623

The converts from Hinduism to Christianity brought with them their caste practices and symbols even after conversion.

The Bull of Pope Gregory XV, "Bulla Romanae Sedis Antistitis", dated 31 January 1623, accedes to the requests of the missionaries to accommodate themselves to certain caste practices and usages of the new converts. The Pope was granting this permission only as a provisional and conditional measure.

The Bull agreed to tolerate the continuance of certain traditional customs and usages. Taking into account the difficulties encountered by the Brahmin converts if they were obliged to abandon certain external signs (such as sacred thread, sandals, ablutions),
and considering that these external rites could be interpreted as meaning signs of nobility and function (nobiliatis et officii) and to show some empathy for human sensibilities, the Bull agreed to tolerate those usages, provided all danger of superstition was avoided and the convert showed charity and respect towards people of obscure condition, this presumably being a reference to Dalits. This document shows the prevalence of the caste mentality among the convert Christians.

Letter of the Propagation of Faith, 1779

With regard to the distinctions of caste in the churches, the congregation for the Propagation of the Faith wrote in 1779 :-

"The separation in the church and at the entrance of the church, also the distinction of cemetries may actually be tolerated for fear of greater evil."

The Synod of Pondicherry , 1844
This Synod was convoked to foster harmony between the Dalit Christians and the Caste Christians, who wanted to have a partition in church to separate them from the Dalits.

1929 - Christian Depressed classes of South India submitted a Memorandum to the Simon Commission.
1985 - Court verdict upholding the 80 years old practice of separate graveyards for Dalit Christians of Trichy, Tamil Nadu.

There is an abundance of official church and police records on cases like K.K. Puthur, Thatchoor, Pondicherry, Thondamanthurai . However, at no time of history did the Church in India officially affirm or promote the perpetuation of social discrimination inside the Church. 

Refer to  Discriminated Dalits should sue church - By Sandhya Jain. Refer to Jesus Christ: Artifice for Aggression - By Sita Ram Goel

Watch Sex crimes and the Vatican -

Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth.


Mahatma Gandhi's insistence on the removal of untouchability as an essential step in political reform took away from the missionaries what seemed to be their last profitable line of approach, for missionary activity after failing with the intellectuals, had been concentrated on the depressed classes. 


Dalits: Kanchi leads the way - By Sandhya Jain

The Shankaracharya of Kanchi, Swami Jayendra Saraswati, broke a critical stalemate in the current controversy over the merits of the Tamil Nadu ban on conversions by force, fraud or inducement, by offering worship at a Dalit-run temple in Madurai (The Hindu, 12 Nov. 2002). The Veerakali Amman temple, which serves the religious needs of eighteen villages and has a Dalit priest, lies in the Melur region where 250 Hindus were converted en masse by a Canadian priest of the Seventh Day Adventists on 25 August 2002. Previously, about fifteen hundred Hindus were converted in the neighbouring areas in January 2001. By giving the villagers an unexpected darshan, the Shankaracharya gracefully shattered several myths and assumptions about inequality and divisiveness in Hindu society.

Speaking with his legendary forthrightness, the seer told the gathering what many of us have always known, namely, that Hindu dharma does not promote or envision discrimination and regards people of all sections of society as equals. He rightly stressed that Hindus have an age-long tradition of living amicably as a "family", as brothers and sisters. Candidly accepting that there are always differences in society, he advised the people not to foster discrimination on this count, as unity has ever been the hallmark of the dharma.

The Shankaracharya has truly led by example, with a view to blunting the criticism of evangelizing faiths that social discrimination compels Dalits to embrace other faiths. Swami Jayendra Saraswati, however, has risen above this cacophony to remind us that we cannot seek refuge in such specious arguments, and that it is our duty to uphold the principle of the brotherhood of man in our own lives. It is now enjoined upon each one of us to be worthy followers of a worthy leader. Tamil society in particular must rise to the occasion and accord the Dalits the personal dignity they crave for; a beginning must be made by doing away with the degrading two-glass system at village dhabas. In this regard, it may be worth noting that the Swamiji's choice of temple was singularly apt. The Veerakali Amman temple attracts devotees from all castes and is also a locally renowned symbol of communal harmony as Muslims regularly join the celebrations of its annual festival in January.

What is most exciting about this new call from the bastions of the mainstream tradition is that it cannot be set aside lightly as a maverick or fringe movement. Swami Jayendra Saraswati followed up the Madurai initiative at Tirunelveli by categorically asserting that Dalits have the right to enter any temple across the State, individually, and offer prayers. This may not make sense to many  urban citizens. But what it means is that at many important temples, Dalits from outside the region do enter anonymously along with other pilgrims, but local Dalits who might be recognized would be barred or beaten for entering the precincts.
Now an orthodox Hindu leader with unparalleled knowledge of the shastras has ruled that "appropriate action" would be taken against those trying to prevent a Harijan from entering a temple. And as the cosmic vision of the Hindus does not envisage the shallow separation of religion and the public sphere, as Mahatma Gandhi had intuitively understood, the Shankaracharya has rightly asserted that religious leaders must increasingly participate in public life to foster a social renaissance

Nonetheless, much water has flown under the bridge, and communities have grown to the point that many individuals wish to stake claim to a larger Indic heritage. Hindu tradition is by definition inclusivist rather than exclusionary, hence deference to the sentiments of non-Hindu devotees would be highly appropriate. The present move is the result of the hurt felt by many at a perceived injustice to celebrated singer K.J. Yesudas, a great bhakta of Guruvayurappan, who has been denied temple entry on account of being born in a Christian family. The poet Yusufali Kecherry, who has written some of the best songs in honour of Lord Krishna, has also been excluded from Guruvayur because of his Muslim origins.

(source: Dalits: Kanchi leads the way - By Sandhya Jain - daily pioneer. com - November 19 2002).

Watch Sewa or Service work by RSS.

In Dalit villages, Sri Jayendra Saraswathi formed the Chandrasekara Rural Development Trust there to launch several development schemes. The trust is credited with constructing 40 model group houses and a health centre with two doctors and six paramedics to help. Supported by the mutt, the Tamil Nadu government has also taken up a pilot scheme for Dalit housing in the village.

Members of the scheduled tribe of 'Kattunanyakans', who are scavengers by profession, received financial help from the Shankaracharya to build a temple for the Amman mother goddess in 1992. Now Natesan, the village council chief, tells journalists with tears in his eyes: "Shankaracharya taught us to worship. When many still considered us untouchables, he treated us with dignity". Similar is the outpouring where another such temple is under construction, thanks to funds from the Kanchipuram mutt.

In the Bhudanoor village, 200 Dalit families have stories about the ways in which the Shankaracharya helped them.The Shankaracharya has taken much flak for reaching out to Dalits. Critics accused him of breaking Hindu codes by blessing widows and Dalits and allowing general access to the mutt and temples.

(source: No reservations, Dalits back seer - Watch An Invasion through Conversion -
Watch Sewa or Service work by RSS.

For more refer to chapter on Conversion and European Imperialism. Refer to  Discriminated Dalits should sue church - By Sandhya Jain and Refer to Take a look at Slavery -


Kanchi Acharya first pontiff to mingle with Dalits

Cuddalore, Nov. 27 - The Kanchi Sankaracharya, Sri Jayendra Saraswathi, is the first pontiff in the Sankara Mutt lineage to mingle with the Dalits and other downtrodden sections. Vai. Balasundaram, State president of the Ambedkar Makkal Iyakkam, said from his association with the Acharya for the past several years, he had learnt about the humane side of Jayendra Saraswathi, who had contributed a great deal to the uplift of the downtrodden.

Without any inhibitions the Acharya had stayed in a hut of a Dalit, Chelladurai, at Ramancheri, near Thiruttani, recently and offered his blessings. The Acharya had also established the Ambedkar Maha Sabha for the welfare of the Dalits.

(source: Kanchi Acharya first pontiff to mingle with Dalits  - Refer to Things They Don't Tell you about Christianity.


The futility of religious conversions 

R. Thirumalvalavam, Head of the Panthers Party of India told a website (Nov. 15, 2002): 'that for emancipation of dalits, conversion is not the solution. Converts remain Dalit Muslims or Dalit Christians or Dalit Buddhists.' 

A Dalit writer, told to the Week (18th Nov., 2001): 'Over the years, when Dalits converted to Islam, Sikhism or Christianity, they did not lose their Dalit identify. They remained primarily Dalits, and, then Christians or Sikhs. Conversion is not the answer to exploitation of Dalits.' Detlef Kantowasky, a German Professor of Sociology in his recent book `Buddhisten in Indien heute` says that Mahars who converted into Buddhism are still not able to shake off their untouchable stigma.

(source:  The futility of religious conversions - By O P Gupta - For more by Ambassador Gupta refer to Caste and Bhagawad Gita). Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth.

Baptised, but boundary remains

Earlier in September this year, several hundred activists of the Poor Christian Liberation Movement (a Dalit Christian body) held a dharna at Jantar Mantar to protest the "increasing corruption in Church organisations". They urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to ensure transparency in the functioning of Christian NGOs that misuse foreign aid received for the welfare of the poor and downtrodden.

Scorning the Church demand to include Dalit (Oppressed) Christians in the Scheduled Caste list, Mr Francis countered: "On the one hand, the Church demands reservation for Dalit Christians from the government while on the other, it opposes and refuses to provide them reservation in the Church structure

And shouldn't Dalits cease to perceive themselves in terms of caste after becoming Christians?

(source: Baptised, but boundary remains - By Sandhya Jain - December 28 2004). Refer to Jesus Christ: Artifice for Aggression - By Sita Ram Goel and Refer to QuickTime trailer and Part One of the film The God Awful Truth.  Refer to The Dead Sea Scrolls - An Eastern View of a Western Crisis - By N. S. Rajaram -


Sree Narayana Guru (1856 - 1928)

The apostle of social equality, the Guru had preached 'One caste, one religion and one God for mankind.' SNDP Yogam is the social arm of the powerful Ezhava community, who were the first to be awakened by the teachings of Sree Narayana and to be inspired into a spirit of mass militancy to eradicate their social disabilities.

This was partly because the great Guru was born in that community and partly because the Ezhavas constituted the largest single community among the downtrodden masses in Kerala. The greatest Hindu reformer to come out to Southern India since the incomparable Adi Sankara. The greatest and most successful champion of the rights of oppressed Hindus in the twentieth century, more successful than the much better known Mahatma Gandhi and Babasaheb Ambedkar.  

The Guru brought to the oppressed of Kerala the same realisation: that they were human beings, worthy of respect and consideration. And the fact that Sree Narayana Guru was able to do this entirely within the framework of Hinduism is truly remarkable. One of Hinduism's greatest strengths has always been its capacity for renewal, renaissance, reform: and in this instance, the power of the personality of one great saint was enough to cleanse Kerala's Hinduism of the accumulated dross of centuries.

This has its own great lesson for India: the ancient civilization of our nation, the oldest and greatest of all civilisations, perhaps the only one that has survived more or less intact the attacks of determined outsiders, is indeed sanatana, eternal. Whenever the civilisation is under great stress, individuals arise who, by the power of their personalities, are able to revitalise society and renew it. 

It is remarkable that Hinduism, alone amongst the world's currently numerically dominant religions, is susceptible to reform. It can be reformed, and indeed it may need to be reformed periodically. It is astonishing that in historical times, every 1,200 years or so, with amazing regularity, Hinduism has indeed reformed itself. Extrapolating from the past, it is now time for yet another Golden Age for the sanatana dharma, after it has been cleansed of a millennium's excrescences.

(source: Guru-varsham 150: The year of Sree Narayana Guru - By Rajeev Srinivasan -


Kanchi Acharya worships at Dalit-run temple

The Kanchi Acharya, Jayendra Saraswathi, offered  worship at Thumbaipatti near Melur in Madurai district last night. The temple, worshipped by people living in 18 villages, has a Dalit  as the priest.

Addressing a gathering at the Veerakali Amman temple after worship,  he emphasised tht Hindus were always living as a 'family', as  brothers and sisters. The religion did not entertain any discrimination and people all  sections were treated as equals.


Equality was the hallmark of the Hindu religion though there were  some differences in society.


The Acharya appealed to the people not to foster differences among  themselves as the strength of the religion was its unity. The visit of the Acharya, according to the organisers, was arranged  in the backdrop of the criticism that discrimination often forced  Dalits to embrace other religions. The rituals at the temple are performed by the family members of the  late Minister, P. Kakkan. But people from all castes offer worship  there. The temple at the birthplace of Kakkan is also a symbol of  communal harmony, as Muslims also participate in the annual festival  held in January.


The Acharya presented shawls to representatives of the villages  surrounding Thumbaipatti.

(source: Kanchi Acharya worships at Dalit-run temple - The Hindu November 12 2002). Watch An Invasion through Conversion -

National Public Hearing on Rights of Dalit Christians -  Plight of the struggle of Dalit Christians

Madurai, India, July 18, 2005: The first-ever public hearing on the plight of the struggle of Dalit Christians for equal rights today concluded that the community should be extended the same opportunities, facilities and benefits provided for its Hindu counterparts. (HPI adds: Dalit Christians are those of the Dalit or "Untouchable" caste of Hinduism who converted to Christianity, but were still regarded as "Untouchable" even by their fellow Christians. Hindu Dalits are eligible for affirmative action type programs for education and jobs, called "reservations" in India)

The Dalit Christian People's Tribunal, comprising Retired Supreme Court Judge P. B. Sawant, noted lawyer Sona Khan and Congress MP S. K. Karvendhan besides others, said it was very unfortunate that the community was being deprived of equal rights ever since the Presidential Order of 1950 (made on the basis that Christianity did not observe caste). Addressing the media after a day-long public hearing, members of the jury panel pointed out that the converts from Hindu religion to other faiths continue to carry their caste with them, irrespective of whether they belonged to higher or lower castes. Stating that this was the reality, they said Dalit Christians remain a disadvantaged section of society as the same disabilities continue to haunt them. The panel was unanimous in its view that the disabilities faced by Dalit Christians would disappear only when similar disabilities suffered by their counterparts in other faiths, viz Hindu, Sikh and Neo Buddhists, were wiped out.

(source: National Public Hearing on Rights of Dalit Christians  and  


A Dalit presides over the unique traditions of a Krishna temple in Gujarat. Jhanjharka town in Ahmedabad district of Gujarat is no place for prophets of doom. They will find no stories of caste war and religious hatred here. 

To put it simply, Maharaj Baldevdasji, the resident priest of the Krishna temple, is not a Brahmin. Defying all tenets of Hindu tradition, the temple is headed by a Dalit. Amazing, because untouchability still persists in rural Gujarat. It is, therefore, an unusual sight to see Brahmins, Rajputs, Banias and the powerful Patels congregating at the temple and reverently touching Baldevdasji's feet. There is no rancour here, just the simple acceptance of the fact that for two centuries, the head priest of the temple has been an untouchable.

And the feeling has percolated down to other sections of Jhanjharka."Thanks to the influence of the temple, this area is completely free from caste discrimination," says Balwantsinh Jhala, a Rajput farmer. "Baldevdasji is the spiritual guide for many members of the upper castes.

(source: Equal before God - by Uday Mahurkar India Today November 10, 1997). Refer to Pedophiles and Priests: Anatomy of a Contemporary Crisis - By Philip Jenkins - Since 1982, 400 Catholic clergy (out of a total of 50,000 American priests) have been accused of sexual misconduct with minors.


Lack of Charitiable activities and social responsibility:

Gaya Charan Tripathi points out in Hinduism Reconsidered that:  "Some Western critics of Hinduism, especially those inspired by missionary spirit, highlight the charitable activities of Christianity, and point towards its absence in Hinduism. To my mind this is neither kind nor fair to a people whose kings (eg. Karsavardhana of Kanauj, 606-47 A.C.) are known to have distributed the entire collections of their treasury to the poor and needy every five years at Prayaga as attested by Xuanzang (Hsuan-tsang) in his memoirs (cf. Also Raghuvamsa of Kalidasa, Canto 5.15).

Charitable activities are parts of every high religion because they constitute the core of their social philosophy. In India, too, charity or danam has been praised directly and through a number of myths and legends right since the time of Rig Veda thought the Upanisads, to the Mahabharata, Puranas, and Dharmasastras.

The much publicized caritative activities carried out by an organized Church, especially in Asian and African countries, with the money received from its Western followers as church tax, revolve round the idea of presenting a superior picture of Christianity and ultimately aim at luring "heathens" to the Christian fold." They claim that by changing one's allegiance from Krishna to Jesus, the poor in India will be showered with clean water, education and two square meals every day !

Lala Lajpat Rai (1865-1928) Indian writer and politician, outspoken in his advocacy of a militant anti-British nationalism in the Congress Party. Writer of several books including, The Story of My Deportation (1908), Arya Samaj (1915), The United States of America: A Hindu's Impression (1916), and Unhappy India (1928). Lajpat Rai said that the caste as well as the Hindu rites were continued despite the conversion to Christianity:

"Roman Catholicism is able to prevail among the Hindus more rapidly and easily by reason of its policy of tolerating among its converts the customs of caste and social observances, which constitute so material a part of the Indian social fabric. Converts still pay worship to the kalasam at marriages and festivals, call in the Brahmin astrologer and Purohits, use the Hindu religious marks, and conform to various other amenities, which have the advantage of minimizing friction in their intercourse with their Hindu fellow-caste brethen." 

(source: Mysore Census Report 1891 44: Lajpat Rai p. 91).

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