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Revival of Paganism in Europe
Pagan revivalists draw inspiration from Hinduism in their quest to reclaim their own ancestral heritage

Hentry Hughes wrote:

"Under Christianity, Europe learned to reject its ancestors, its past, which cannot be good for its future also. Europe became sick because it tore apart from its own heritage, it had to deny its very roots."

John P Jones had observed (1908) in his book - India: Its Life and Thought:

"Be it remembered, Christianity never met with so doughty a foe as that which confronts it in this land. The ancient faith of Greece and Rome, which Christianity overcame, were infantile and imbecile as compared with the subtle wisdom and mighty resistance of Brahminism. The conditions of the conflict in India are different from those eve met before by our militant faith. The subtle and deadening philosophy of the land, the haughty pride of its religious leaders, the great inertia of the people, the mighty tyranny of caste, the debasing ritual of Hinduism and its debauching idolatry - all these constitute a resisting fortress whose overthrow seems all but impossible."


(source: India: Its Life and Thought - By John P Jones p. 424).


Hindu Connection: The term Pagan, which means "of the countryside," was the term applied by the converted Christians of the cities to the unconverted country folk. Later, as Christianity became dominant, it acquired a twisted, negative connotation. Today it specifically means "one who is not a Christian, Muslim or Jew." The term has become so abusive, that many Pagans today will not use it. But because it makes such a clear division with the monotheistic religions, Gerard and others of a like mind proudly claim it.


Europe's Pagans have not failed to observe that Hindus, too, are Pagans. "India is a conservatory of traditions going back into our most ancient prehistory.

Refer to The Persecution Industry: What are the stakes? - By Ramapriya Abraham 

(For more refer to chapter on Greater India: Suvarnabhumi and Sacred Angkor).


Europe's Pagans have not failed to observe that Hindus, too, are Pagans. Christopher Gérard has been to India many times. He said, "India is a conservatory of traditions going back into our most ancient prehistory. The Paganism of our ancestors has miraculously survived there in spite of Muslim invasions, Christian missions and all the other agents of ethnocide [the systematic destruction of a culture]. The Brahmins, brothers to our Druids, have never stopped offering ritual worship as we used to do 40 centuries ago. Pilgrimage to India is basic for every European Pagan because it allows him to reconnect with the living tradition, which is moreover Indo-European.


Worshipping Surya, The Sun God 

(For more refer to chapter on Greater India: Suvarnabhumi and Sacred Angkor).


"Yes, India is the land of the Gods par excellence," he went on. "The experience of the divine presence in India is within the reach of anyone who searches even a little bit. The temples are full of flowers and offerings, and you only have to flow along with the crowd, melt into it and place yourself in the hands of the Gods. I do not advocate conversion to Hinduism, but I do recommend its inspiration. I told this to the Brahmins that took me into their homes. One said, 'Establish your reawakened Paganism on a valid foundation and there'll come a day when it will catch on. It won't be long.' As true Pagans, they feel no need to convert anyone. "


The new Europe: Gérard, like many great European thinkers today (and including Christians), believes that Europe has, in fact, already entered its "post-Christian" and "post-rationalist" phase. The church is becoming decreasingly important. Membership is dropping daily, the priesthood is declining, historical challenges are being made to the theology (such as those which resulted from the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls) and multiple scandals have reduced the influence of the church. The current European mind is no longer significantly shaped in its thinking and activities by the Christian theology, whose basic tenets have become largely irrelevant to modern Euro-life.

"Post-rationalist" means that many have abandoned "rationalism," the philosophical position--popular for the last 300 years--that men should resolve their differences through reason, which provides the most valid basis for action or spiritual truth. Out of rationalism developed science, and the now-abandoned hope that mankind was on the brink of creating Utopia--a socially, politically and morally perfect society--by its own efforts, without the help of Gods or religion.

The waning of both rationalism and Christianity has left a mental, moral and spiritual vacuum.

(source: Pagan Power in Modern Europe - For more refer to A History of Pagan Europe and chapter on Nature Worship. Refer to The War of Religions and The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre. Refer to Christian Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America and The Burningcross

Refer to Assault on an Ancient Faith - By Bruce Nelson, Eleusis Publishing - In 363 CE Emperor Julian was killed while leading the Roman army against it's longtime enemy, Persia. Christian leaders rejoiced at this turn of events and renewed their assault on the ancient faith with increased fervor and intensity. Yet this destruction was not without consequence. Scarcely fifteen years later, the demoralized Roman army would suffer its greatest defeat ever at the battle of Adrianople. Thirty years later Rome itself was sacked and Western civilization was plunged into a spiritual dark age from which we are only now beginning to emerge. In it's wake not only did we lose our ancient spiritual traditions, but Christianity, a religion ostensibly born in love of the divine, would make martyrs of millions of men, women and children in Europe and the new world, even forcing it's hatred against the earth itself.

God Wars: The Battle for Humanity's Soul

The trend of the global religious competition for market share and influence is clearly towards the dominance of the two “Jealous-God” religions: Christianity and Islam. Both have replaced many traditional belief systems and continue to use any means necessary to suppress the animist religions of Africa, much of Asia and the Pacific Islands, and the surviving remnants of native beliefs in the New World and Australia. If there is any threat of a “one world religion” it comes from Christianity, which shows little sign of slowing its assault on “false religions” using bribes, social pressure, political control of governments, local and national persecution, and a propaganda campaign that is second to none. Although Christianity has had little success against Islam except by direct conquest, how long can its supremacy in fundraising and firepower be held at bay by any other faith?

Today, there is an unfair bias in the contest of conversions because the two largest, best-financed and most widespread faiths—the "Jealous-God" religions of Christianity and Islam—got that way by conquest and persecution. The monopoly that Christianity has on the Americas, Australia, and much of sub-Saharan Africa and Europe is a strength for that faith—they can keep these areas free of competition with little effort while pouring their propaganda and "charity" into targeted regions where other religions struggle to emerge and recover from the impact of European colonialism and forced conversions.

This dominance of our world by a limited set of beliefs is not a good thing for humanity. The spread of "world" religions such as Christianity and Islam has destroyed most of the world's traditional religions. Many beliefs once sacred have now been regulated to museums and anthropology texts. The loss of so many "living" religions is a profound blow to human culture. (The loss of languages and other cultural traditions due to increased secular homogenization is a similar issue). Beliefs such as a spiritual connection to dead ancestors, or a nature that is filled with spirits, or even much-maligned polytheism, have provided humanity with a rich and beautiful diversity of worldviews.

Religious diversity expands the mind; when a single belief system dominates a society, it limits the mind.

(source: God Wars: The Battle for Humanity's Soul). Also refer to American Pagans Battle Discrimination by Christian Fundamentalists -  Refer to Bible thumpers: Americans are being increasingly stereotyped as stupid - By Arvind Kumar - Refer to The Republican War on Science - By Chris Mooney

Refer to A conflict between science and God - By Martin Kettle - Crusade against science in Modern America - Three-quarters of Americans, in other words, still do not accept what Darwin established 150 years ago. Just under half of all Americans believe the natural world was created in its present form by God in six days as described in Genesis. They believe, incredibly, that the earth is only a few thousand years old).

Refer to Can Hinduism face the onslaught of Project Thessalonica? - By Alex Pomero and Christians have Destroyed Various Ethnic Cultures of the World - Also refer to and Missionary's Dark Legacy and Dutch Christians Target Hindus for Conversion. Refer to Christian Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America .

Why this war on Hinduism?- These two (Christianity and Islam) hostile ideologies, flawed because they are not based on human experience but on spurious and fantastic literature, are based on a priori illusion that human beings are genetically flawed and can be redeemed only by symbolic conversion and the acceptance of their bookish deity. For instance, if the Christian and Islamic clergy do not propagate and force their sterile ideologies down the throats of unsuspecting or helpless people through dubious means, or do not force them to stay on with censure and punishment, their religions would be wiped out in decades. Europe is a primary example.

(source: Why this war on Hinduism? - By George Thundiparambil - Refer to From De Nobili to Clooney: The Christian Methods of InculturationRefer to The Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan - and The Burningcross

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Hindus, The Last Of The Pagans? - By Hindu Human Rights

Since first arriving in the New World, resource-hungry invaders have been systematically persecuting indigenous tribal peoples – all in the name of God. As author Norman Lewis notes: 

“The great human tragedy of the missionary conquest of the Pacific is being repeated now in all ‘untouched’ parts of the world. In another thirty years no trace of aboriginal life anywhere will have survived. Many Christian missionaries have perpetrated the destruction of native cultures through their ruthless and relentless practices – from the stripping of forests and theft of land to the wholesale enslavement of populations."

(source: The Missionaries: God Against the Indians – By Norman Lewis - back cover). Refer to The Persecution Industry: What are the stakes? - By Ramapriya Abraham -


What is called Paganism, heathenism, and polytheism is in fact the Natural religion of humanity.  

In areas where it has survived the onslaught of anti-human ideologies with their ego gods, it has retained its self-respecting name. In Japan it is Shinto, in Taiwan Confucianism and Taoism, and in India as Hinduism.

When Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire under Constatantine, the natural humanistic beliefs were proscribed. With the spread of Christianity after the fall of Rome, the story was the same across Europe, the Maghreb and the former Roman Middle East. The high philosophy of the Greeks, the ancient beliefs of ancient nations like the Armenians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Celts, Teutones, Norse, Slavs, and last of all, right up to the thirteenth century, the Lithuanians, fell to the rapacious jaws of iconoclastic and dogmatic Christianity. Under both the dominant Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches, manifestations of the natural religion was condemned as sorcery, Satanism, and witchcraft. The incineration of heretics at the stake replaced the pluralism which had been the standard of classicalist Europe under Celtic, Roman and Greek cultures. Schism and reformation brought no respite. The Russian Orthodox church became perhaps the most backward and regressive of all Christian sects. Protestants saw veneration of icons and celebration of life as remnants of Paganism which had to be stamped out. The Catholic multinational machine became even more zealous. Yet this could not stem rationalism which stemmed from the Renaissance, a rediscovery of the classical past.

Christ now paled in the shadow of a resurrected Plato, Aristotle, Socrates and Pythagoras.

Voltaire (1694-1774) France's greatest writers and philosophers, was a theist, and a bitter critic of the Church, among others held up Hinduism as an example of a natural deistic religion with a pedigree much older than that of Judeo-Christianity.  He saw that Confucianism made Chinese civilization every much as valid as Europe but without the inflexible dogmatism that made science a slave to the accursed one, the Church. 



Voltaire thought Hinduism as an example of a natural deistic religion with a pedigree much older than that of Judeo-Christianity. Thomas Jefferson pondered whether the Christian deity was a god or a devil.


Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) pondered whether the Christian deity was a god or a devil.  In 1785 he wrote:

"Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support error and roguery all over the earth."

(source: The Arrogance of Faith - By Forrest G. Wood  p. 27). Refer to Former Catholic Sister Says Even Mother Teresa Is a Fraud - By By Greg Szymanski June 6, 2007

Refer to Christian Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America and The Burningcross

Also refer to The Dark Bible -


It was these rationalist ideas, which fuelled the industrial revolution, made western states the most powerful, brought ideas of democracy and free thought, as well as toleration of pluralism in personal belief. It had nothing to do with Christianity, which now sought refuge in opposition or mutated form, seeking allies with Fascists, National Socialists, and Marxists, people for whom the very idea of personal belief was a complete anathema.

In Europe today Christianity presents a different face, of compassion, equality, multiculturalism, and interfaith pluralism. But this has not been the case throughout history. It is not even the case now in India. While the fundamentalist Christian propaganda machine, losing souls it once considered its private property in Europe, pumps out the blatant untruth of Hindus as Nazis, fundamentalists, and satanic followers in India, it is forgotten just how much damage Christianity did to the paganism of Europe. How many were burnt at the stake or killed by some other means? How many were forcibly converted by zealous crusaders like Charlemagne? How many temples were desecrated and turned into churches for the one ego god? How many Pagan festivals were reincarnated as Christianity such as Christmas itself? Yet this is happening in India right now.

In the northeast Christian inspired terrorists are wiping out the indigenous Hindus. Pope John Paul II has said that the future harvest lies in India, and that Hinduism should be annihilated where it contradicts the teaching of the church, which means that it will be annihilated per'se, just as paganism was in Europe. The pagans of Europe who have been told they must have nothing to do with the Hindu Nazis of India should ask themselves if they should believe an ideology which threw Europe under its dogmatic boot for almost two millennia, and yet now cries wolf in the face of resistance in India, the last refuge of what it calls Paganism

(For more refer to Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth). Also refer to His Holiness - By Carl Berstein and Marco Politi and Vows of Silence : The Abuse of Power in the Papacy of John Paul II. Refer to Truth can kill the West - By M.S.N. Menon - Truth can kill the West—the truth about Christianity. It is all in the Dead Sea scrolls

The propaganda machine pumps out a stream of stories that Hindu Nazis are persecuting Christians. But is it never asked just exactly what Christians are doing converting Hindus in India by? fraud, force or bribery, desecrating Hindus shrines, and demanding heroic status for criminals like Francis Xavier. How quickly the Inquisition of Goa has been forgotten. If paganism is to be revived and flourish as it once did, the pagans of Europe needs to ask themselves this, Should they keep calling themselves by the term pagan, an insulting subjective term invented by the close-minded church? Second, should they not have sympathy for the Hindus of India, who are suffering the same fate that their like minded spiritual brethren did in Europe centuries of Europe?


Hindu devotees worshipping at the River Brahmaputra.

India is the spiritual mother of natural religion. Without India the natural beliefs of humanity can never be fully realised.


India is the spiritual mother of natural religion. Without India the natural beliefs of humanity can never be fully realised. Can the pagans of Europe thus sit back and let happen in India what they have taken almost two thousand years to throw off themselves? These are not issues for the next few years, but ideas long overdue for now. It must be understood that a renewed fundamentalist church in India would threaten the physical existence of neo-pagans of Europe. The battle between rationalism and dogmatism is not yet over.

Hindus, The Last Of The Pagans? - By Hindu Human Rights). For more refer to Deism). Also refer to chapter on Conversion and Nature Worship and Catholic Priests Molest Third World Nuns to Avoid AIDS. Also refer to How various parts of the world was converted to Christianity. Refer to Christian Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America  


Why this war on Hinduism?

"When I think of all the harm the Bible has done, I despair of ever writing anything to equal it.

Missionaries are going to reform the world whether it wants to or not."

     - Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish author


These two (Christianity and Islam) hostile ideologies, flawed because they are not based on human experience but on spurious and fantastic literature, are based on a priori illusion that human beings are genetically flawed and can be redeemed only by symbolic conversion and the acceptance of their bookish deity. For instance, if the Christian and Islamic clergy do not propagate and force their sterile ideologies down the throats of unsuspecting or helpless people through dubious means, or do not force them to stay on with censure and punishment, their religions would be wiped out in decades. Europe is a primary example.

(source: Why this war on Hinduism? - By George Thundiparambil - Refer to From De Nobili to Clooney: The Christian Methods of Inculturation and American Christian Fundamentalist Leader Calls for Global War - By Yoginder Sikand - Also refer to and Missionary's Dark Legacy and Dutch Christians Target Hindus for Conversion. Also refer to Dinosaurs, evangelicals and the state - By Justin Webb - BBC). Refer to The Republican War on Science - By Chris Mooney. Refer to Who Killed Our Culture? We Did - By Youki Kudoh -  May 3 1999. Refer to The Swami Devananda Saraswati Interview with Rajeev Srinivasan - and The Burningcross


Civilizing and Christianizing of Children of Pagans?

Dartmouth College (A member of Ivy League) was founded in 1750 by Eleazer Wheelock, a leader of the First Great Awakening, who said that the purpose of the college was the spreading of the knowledge of the only true God and Savior, and making this knowledge as extensive and common as possible. The first charter of Dartmouth College was granted by our great sovereign, King George III



Eleazer Wheelock and King George III

The charter gave to Dartmouth College the following purpose: the civilizing and Christianizing of children of pagans


The charter gave to Dartmouth College the following purpose: the civilizing and Christianizing of children of pagans. As late as 1945 the then president, Ernest Hopkins, declared, "Dartmouth is a Christian college founded for the Christianization of its students."

Dartmouth’s official seal still portrays this historical mission, depicting a group of Indians approaching Dartmouth Hall with a bible in hand. 

Pagan Revival in Christian America - By Dr. Peter Jones). (For more refer to: History Not Taught is History Forgot: Columbus' Legacy of Genocide). Also refer to The Real story of Thanksgiving and How various parts of the world was converted to Christianity

Refer to Can Hinduism face the onslaught of Project Thessalonica? - By Alex Pomero and Christians have Destroyed Various Ethnic Cultures of the World - Refer to Who Killed Our Culture? We Did - By Youki Kudoh -  May 3 1999. Refer to Christian Supremacy: Pushing the Dhimmitude of Non-Christians in America and The Burningcross


Cultural Genocide of Pagans in Tahiti
The Missionaries: God Against the Indians

Since first arriving in the New World, resource-hungry invaders have been systematically persecuting indigenous tribal peoples – all in the name of God. Norman Lewis has written a scathing account of how some missionary sects deal with indigenous peoples in their bid for the conquest of souls. He cites the creation of fear and the establishment of dependency upon goods which, without becoming wage-earners, the Indians could not procure. As native peoples are hurried through the process of acculturation, Indian customs and ways of life, ceremonies, art, music, and dance are often lost only to be replaced by illness, apathy, and forced labor.

As author Norman Lewis notes:

“the great human tragedy of the missionary conquest of the Pacific is being repeated now in all ‘untouched’ parts of the world. In another thirty years no trace of aboriginal life anywhere will have survived. Many Christian missionaries have perpetrated the destruction of native cultures through their ruthless and relentless practices – from the stripping of forests and theft of land to the wholesale enslavement of populations. 

In 1795 the London Missionary School was formed, its immediate attention focused upon the Pacific; two years later a convict ship bound for Australia put the first missionaries ashore on Tahiti.  (Note: The first European to discover Tahiti was Samuel Wallis in 1767. English missionaries began to convert the indigenous Polynesians to Protestantism in 1797, but Louis Antoine claimed Tahiti for France in 1768. French missionaries later won most of the Tahitions over to Catholicism. France established Tahiti as a protectorate in 1843, and annexed it in 1880).

"Persistent unbelievers were put to death and a penal code was drawn up by the missionaries and enforced by missionary police in the uniforms of Bow Street Runners. It was declared illegal to adorn oneself with flowers, to sing (other than hymns), to tattoo the body, to surf or to dance. Within a quarter of a century the process by which the native culture of Tahiti had been extinguished was exported to every corner of the South Pacific, reducing the islanders to the level of the working class of Victorian England. "

By this time the population of Tahiti had been reduced by syphilis, tuberculosis, small pox and influenza from the 200,000 estimated by Cook to 18,000. After thirty years of missionary rule, only 6,000 remained. 

Otto Von Kotzebue (1787 - 1846) leader of a Russian expedition into the Pacific in 1823, long before the decline had reached its terminal phase wrote: 

‘A religion like this which forbids every innocent pleasure and cramps or annihilates every mental power is a libel on the divine founder of Christianity.’

(source: The Missionaries: God Against the Indians - By Norman Lewis  p. 1 - 8). For more refer to Why missionaries suck - true current events).

Refer to Former Catholic Sister Says Even Mother Teresa Is a Fraud - By By Greg Szymanski June 6, 2007

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Fibonacci numbers or Hemecandra numbers?

Hemachandra Suri (correct Sanskrit spelling Hemacandra Sürí) (1089 -1172) was one of the greatest scholars of his time. He wrote on many subjects: grammar, philosophy, tradition, and contemporary history. One of his best known works is the "Tri-shashthi-shalaka- purusha-charitra", the lives of the 63 illustrious persons in Jainism. After having written this, he composed an appendix to it (hence called "Parishista-parvan"). This appendix, also called "Sthaviravali-charitra" is actually itself a text of considerable value.

Hemacandra, following the earlier Gopala, presented what is now called the Fibonacci series around 1150, that is at least 50 years before Fibonacci.

The Fibonacci series is the set of numbers beginning with 1, 1 where every number is the sum of the previous two numbers. The series begins with 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on. They were known in India before Fibonacci as the Hemachandra numbers. And the ratio of any two successive Fibonacci numbers approximates a ratio, ~1.618, called the golden section or golden mean.  

Donald Knuth also wrote about this:

" Before Fibonacci wrote his work, the sequence Fn had already been discussed by Indian scholars, who had long been interested in rhythmic patterns that are formed from one-beat and two-beat notes. The number of such rhythms having n beats altogether is Fn+1; therefore both Gopala (before 1135) and Hemachandra (c. 1150) mentioned the numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ... explicitly." 

As documented by Donald Knuth (1938  - ) of Stanford University in The Art of Computer Programming, this sequence was first described by the Indian mathematicians Gopala and Hemachandra in 1150, who were investigating the possible ways of exactly bin packing items of length 1 and 2.

The system that Fibonacci introduced into Europe came from India and and used the symbols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 with, most importantly, a symbol for zero 0.

Manjul Bhargava, 28, a professor of number theory at Princeton who discusses how the Fibonacci series pops up not just in mathematics but also in the arts. The Fibonacci series is the set of numbers beginning with 1, 1 where every number is the sum of the previous two numbers. The series begins with 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, and so on. They were known in India before Fibonacci as the Hemachandra numbers. And the ratio of any two successive Fibonacci numbers approximates a ratio, ~1.618, called the golden section or golden mean. It's long been known that the Fibonacci series turns up frequently in nature. The numbers of petals on a daisy and the dimensions of a section of a spiral nautilus shell are usually Fibonacci numbers. For plants, this is because the fractional part of the golden mean, a constant called phi (0.618), is the rotation fraction (222.5 degrees) which yields the most efficient and scalable packing of circular objects such as seeds, petals and leaves. But Bhargava points out that the series also shows up in the arts. Sanksrit poetry, tabla compositions and tango, to name a few examples, use the series to find the number of possible combinations of single and double-length beats within a stanza.

(source: Fibonacci numbers or Hemecandra numbers? and  Gopala and Hemachandra numbers everywhere - and Who was Fibonacci?  and Origins of Fibonacci number and Hemachandra).

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Injustice pushes Muslim family to apostasy

On September 16 The Pioneer daily carried a news item about a Unani Muslim physician, Hasan, hailiing from Allahabad's Gohnia village who converted to Hinduism along with his whole 12-member family.

Hasan's medical practice was a failure so he left it and found work as a chowkidar in the factory of a Muslim industrialist. He had not been paid his salary for the last three months. According to the report, one day he demanded his salary and insisted for it. As a result he was badly beaten up. Hasan's clinic was forcibly occupied and attempts were made to occupy his house also. He asked for help from his Muslim neighbours, but no one came to his rescue. Disappointed and heart-broken, he sought the help of his Hindu neighbours who generously helped him. Seeing the oppressive and unfriendly attitude of Muslims and the cooperative and friendly attitude of Hindus, he deserted Islam and embraced Hinduism along with his whole family.

Hasan has said in his affidavit submitted to the district magistrate that his conversion to Hinduism was voluntary. His new name is Ram Chandra, Hasan's conversion was motivated by the physical and mental torture by his own fellowmen.

The VHP welcomed his conversion to Hinduism and took his family in a procession organised by it. They have built a small temple for him in front of his house.

Injustice pushes Muslim family to apostasy - By Shamim Tariq  (Translated from Urdu)

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