a r t i c l e s    o n    c o n v e r s i o n

Book Review: CONVERSION TO CHRISTIANITY, AGGRESSION IN INDIA,  by Dr. M.S. Srinivasan is a timely and well written book dealing with the menace of conversions carried out by wealthy western missionaries all in the name of God and social service. A difficult topic to deal with, Dr. Srinivasan has explored every aspect of Christian aggression in India, starting with the earliest so called scholarly encounters to the latest visit of the Pope. 

To spread Christianity in India, what intrigues were pursued by the foreign Indologists including Max Muller? How do the Missionary schools spread Christianity? In order to destroy the roots of the Hindu Heritage, what are the actions taken by the Christians? What are the losses sustained by Hinduism as a consequence of these tactics? How the bogey of Secularism and Caste system has been exploited to seek converts in the oppressed castes. In spite of portraying Christianity as an egalitarian religion, Dalits and Harijans are still discriminated within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Here is a research work that deals with these questions and recommends what actions to be taken to prevent the spread of Christianity in India.  In order to protect Hindutva or Hindu heritage, it is imperative that we, Hindus read books like this.

I highly recommend this book for all Hindus who are interested in preserving their ancient traditions, culture and values. This book is available at Amazon.com.  www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/8190023357/qid=966628540/002-5279197-2292019  
Below is more information about the book provided by the author.      




Christianity is the originator of the conversion business which enslaved the people in the name of the "savior": the conversion processes were backed up by instruments of aggression and brute power of the army and the state: 

Organized conversion on a mass scale hardly existed anywhere in the world before the advent of Christianity some two  thousand years ago. It became particularly strong after the  Roman Empire became Christian in the fourth century. This resulted in a Roman or imperial church that used the resources of the empire, including the army, to promote the religion,  which was a state institution. Church and state become closely  tied and one was used to uphold the other. This alliance of  church and state occurred well into the Middle Ages and into the nineteenth century throughout much of Europe. [21:FRAWLEY- III].  

 Indeed, Islam had followed with Christianity as the role model with additional vehemence and violence. "In the seventh century Islam brought about a religion in which church and state, or religion and politics were not simply allied but became the same, with the Caliph functioning as both the religious and secular head of the empire. This non-division between religion and politics continues in most Islamic countries today, including Pakistan, which has gone so far recently to proclaim the Koran as the supreme law of the land, though it is not a secular law book or any kind of law book." [21:FRAWLEY-III]. Through the centuries, the church dominated the laws and ruled over the lives of people in Europe.  

Though India was exposed to Christianity long before the colonial period, and Indian kings had foolishly welcomed the Christian missionaries with open arms and extended hospitality to them, without being aware of their cunningness and motivations, it was only during the British rule, the missionaries worked with ease and support to achieve converts from the Hindus. The havoc wrought in this period in all the colonies of the world can be briefly noted:  

Missionary efforts in the colonial period, with some exceptions, contributed to or even brought about the       tremendous genocide of native populations not only in America but also in Africa and Asia. Native peoples had their  religions banned, their holy places destroyed or taken over by the Christians. The history of the Spanish in Mexico and Peru in the sixteenth century is comparable to the Nazis of  this century, if not worse, pillaging and plundering a  continent in the name of and with the blessings of the church. This process of missionary colonialism reached its zenith in the nineteenth century, in which Native Africans were the main  group subject to genocide, and it is only now slowly  declining. [21:FRAWLEY-III]. 

Missionary activity is a part of medieval political culture and was a tool for enforcement of colonialism and racism. The result of missionary activity is the destruction of secularism and other social values, as conversion - the goal of missionary activity - is rooted in intolerance and violence. Vehemence and domination of one religion over others was always visible under colonialism. The religion of the rulers held sway over all other religions. When the Christian rulers imposed Christianity on the people, the disorganized Hindu swamis were ill-equipped to meet the challenges.     

Colonialism in the political garb has ended but economic colonialism is assuming a more sophisticated form with enticements, the result being that many newly liberated countries are yearning to become willing slaves! Mixture of culture, luxury goods, and Christianity, the amalgam spreads its dominance over the people.

This point should indeed be clear:  In fact colonialism has not truly ended but has recently taken  a more economic rather than military form, along with the Westernization along economic lines. As Christianity is the       dominant Western religion, it continues to use the current  economic expansion of Western culture to promote its   conversion agendas. The greater financial resources and media dominance of the West affords Christianity a great edge in religious and social encounters throughout the world.  [21:FRAWLEY-III]. 

In the post-colonial era, free countries such as India faced a new set of problems from the foreign missionaries. These missionaries used "the very freedom of a secular state to promote their anti-secular agendas." If there is freedom of religion and there is no express legal bar on proselytisation, there is a presumption that conversion is tolerated. The aggressors who worked under the umbrella of the rulers, still demand a right to be aggressors under the laws of freedom: why don't they practice secularism and tolerance, and stop conversion activities?     

Non-Christians (even if they are a majority) lack the resources and the verve to fight and suffer disadvantages in terms of monetary and media resources; whereas, through the Western support, particularly in regard to its conversion activities, the Christian community has a continuous flow of abundant resources and support, including mass marketing, to implement their agenda of conversion. It is clearly seen that the aggressive posture in regard to conversion is seen only in foreign lands and not in Christian lands. They do not spend any energies to make their people spiritual and humanitarian. 


In the proselytisation business, there are three earthly tools - economic palliatives, education and health - being used by the missionaries to confuse and entice people into conversion. But the emerging facts expose the fallacy of these tools. Conversion is not a solution to economic problems or a fountainhead of prosperity of a nation. Countries like Philippines totally converted have not seen economic prosperity; poverty still deluges them, though Christians!  

In India, social upgradation by way of education does not take place through conversion. The caste system does not get eliminated but gets incorporated into Christianity. Christianity does not help to unify the society but instead, divides the Dalits (Untouchables) into Christian Dalits and Non-Christian Dalits! The missionaries are not interested in genuine reforms, otherwise, they would have helped to eliminate the caste system only and not eliminate the Hindu religion and value system.  

Love of humanity does not spring from the missionary heart, unless the program is packaged with Christianity and conversion motives. Such love is offered as a token incentive to conversion and not as a genuine humanitarian, unconditional love. Such social work born of love is hardly to be found in  missionary Christianity, though it likes to pretend that this is the motivation. If one were truly motivated by love of  humanity and the need to serve humanity, one would not promote massive conversion agendas. In fact one would regard such       practices as inhuman, which they are. 

In fact bringing religion into social up liftment confuses the  issue. Converting people to an exclusive creed doesn't eradicate poverty or disease, much less promote the cause of  religious harmony. [21:FRAWLEY-III]. 


For the misconceptions prevailing about Hinduism, and for the aggressive march of conversion in India, the main fault lies with the Hindus; it was their duty to protect themselves and not to display any indifference:  The fault lies with Hindus themselves. They have been very poor at expressing what their religion is and in countering  disinformation and propaganda against them. They do not study  their religion properly and so, they cannot even explain what  it is. Often, they are also very much misinformed about other  religions as they think that other religions are Hinduism in  another form. But you would not find these rich traditions of  yoga, meditation, Vedas and Vedanta, in these other  traditions. Particularly in the Protestant tradition in the  West, they are rejected almost altogether and, to these  evangelical Christians, they are considered to be the work of  the devil. [19:FRAWLEY-I]. 

Besides the negligence shown about Hinduism, the usual song that all religions teach the same thing is being repeated by many Hindus without any knowledge or concern for the meaning. There are differences in essentials such as the doctrine of Karma and rebirth from all other religions. What is accepted by Hinduism is that the people should be free to choose their own path without any form of pressure (including economic, social or political pressures) from outside or interference including marketing of conversion.  

Frawley delivered a message to the dormant Hindus, whose misunderstanding of the situation is causing great harm to their society. The Hindus do not understand that Christianity is not secular, it is intolerant and, it commits aggression and violence against humanity:

      ... let us expose and put an end to this missionary business  and let us not think that the missionary business is tolerant. The missionary business is not about freedom of religion. It  is about the triumph of one religion. It is not about  secularism. The missionary business accepts that only one  religion is true. It is a religious war aimed at religious control. [19:FRAWLEY-I]. 

At the same time, in India, the constitutional right to religious freedom is being misused by the Christians to propagate and impose their religion on others. Indeed, they are the true violators of religious freedom. There is a need for a new policy to be adopted by the Hindus to safeguard their religion. Certain positive measures are needed to replace the present state of inaction and inertness. Frawley argued that such measures will not come in conflict with Hindu precepts of ahimsa and policy of secularism; and, in fact, it would be in line with the principle of non-violence always cherished by the Hindus:  

True ahimsa means reducing the amount of harm in the world. This may require violent action against the perpetrators of  harm. One must not only defeat the enemy but also take away their weapons and insure that they cannot attack again. One must cut off the roots of violence where the enemy lives. One  doesn't merely send a scorpion back to its nest after it bites you. One has to remove its stinger.

Modern Hindus must once again proudly honor ahimsa or a policy  of harming the enemy, and the danda or a policy of strict  punishment for those who use force to attack them. This is not to promote unnecessary violence but to prevent violence from  spreading or being abetted. The same policy should extend to  all spheres of current cultural encounters. [23:FRAWLEY - V]. 

There are many unpleasant episodes where the missionaries have abused Hinduism. For the most, they were ignored in the past but the ethos of the modern world requires some response to arrest and correct these abuses, as otherwise there is presumption that the abuses may be justified! Countermanding arguments with logic (not physical assault) to deal with these abuses are found necessary.  Legal remedies are possible in India as the law gives equal protection to all religions and is against any form of aggression and violence:

Hindus must learn how to use the courts and bring legal suits  against their denigrators, not only in India but also in the West. The legal danda is very important in the world today and has been the key to many social changes. Hindus must learn how  to use the weapons of the media as well, presenting cases, information and programs that promote their point of view and  strongly challenging media distortions. [23:FRAWLEY - V].  

Modern weapons of debates, law and media have to be used to counter the vicious propaganda of those belonging to the antagonistic religions. The bogey of secularism is often dangled as if it is a sacred tenet. Hindu secularism and religious freedom can be easily reconciled with legitimate action against evangelism and conversion.  

The hidden conversion activities - the business strategies, the targets, incentive schemes, the budgets and tools -  are slowly coming to light and these facts may be good for the education and waking up of the inert Hindus.  


The foremost requirement is that the Hindus study and understand Hinduism more deeply from the present superficial state in which large numbers have persisted or have been floating so long. This is the greatest shield for defence. If the Hindus are not alert in their self-defence, there are a large number of forces in the modern society that would destroy them. As Ram Swarup, wrote:  

      If one truly understands Hinduism, he would never feel a need  to convert from it, for Hinduism is the whole, other religions a part. Everything can be found within Hinduism itself. Hindus  should become aware of the forces of conversion. We need not  panic, but we cannot afford to be indifferent. In these difficult times, our greatest strength lies in our innate spirituality. We should recover our confidence and  self-identity. [32:HINDUISM TODAY June 99].  

To bridge the large shortfalls in understanding Hinduism, and to overcome centuries of ignorance, it is necessary to introduce Hindu religious education in schools and at all levels of Hindu society: and it is necessary to study the Christian missionary movement, so that the strategies and plans of the Christians come to light, and places the Hindus in a state of preparedness to face the challenges:

 Swarup's cogent analysis highlights the need for religious  education on every level of Hindu society. It means, too, that  Hindu leaders should actively study the missionary movement,  log onto their web sites, read their literature, get on their  mailing lists in the West, follow their activities and respond  accordingly with positive programs. [32:HINDUISM TODAY June  99].  

On a proper Hindu ethical basis of ahimsa, all responses should be designed to contain the activities of the Christian movements, which aim at destroying thousands of years of Hindu tradition and culture. Hindu charity founded on Hindu dharma has suffered by the onslaught of Islam and British colonialism, reducing the Hindus to subhuman standards. It is necessary that Hindus revive their system of organized charity through extensive participation and practice of dharma.  

As a principle, Hinduism does not promote religious conflicts, as it does not proselytize. To resolve conflicts between religions, there should be genuine efforts to seek the truth, to develop better understanding of the facts, and to eliminate competition and antagonism.  

More than anything today we need a real religious dialogue, so that religious conflicts, which have such a potential for  violence, do not occur. This dialogue should be a quest for  truth. It should not aim at proving one religion to be supreme  but at examining the ultimate issues of life. What is the goal  of life? What is the nature of immortality? Is there a  permanent heaven or hell? Is there Self-realization or Nirvana? What is enlightenment? What is karma? Does the soul  have one or many lives? What is the highest state of  consciousness and how can we achieve it? What practices are  necessary to change human nature from the egoist to the Divine?  Can mere belief transform us or is knowledge and work also necessary? Are special psycho-physical techniques helpful? How  do the different religions view such issues? These are the real issues of religious dialogue. [21:FRAWLEY -III]. 

While the above measures are helpful in normal times, there are steps needed in the current situation to contain the wave of Christian conversion. The first important step is for the government to enforce the laws that protect the people and their way of life and traditions from foreign elements that intrude into their lives: the following are some measures that should be taken:  

On the governmental level, it is first a matter of enforcing  existing laws. For example, had those who desecrated the  Hanuman statues in Dangs been arrested for their crimes, the  subsequent attacks by fed-up Hindus may not have occurred. India stopped issuing visas long ago to foreign missionaries  (as have many other countries, including Singapore and Japan  and nearly all Muslim countries) and can expel those found to  engage in illegal activity. The government can continue to  release the figures of foreign contributions, which allows the average Hindu to better understand the situation. India has  stringent laws against denigration of another's religion, and       these, too can be uniformly enforced. It is not a violation  of religious freedom to enforce laws that apply to everyone  equally. The economic exploitation of tribal Hindus can be alleviated on a government level, so that villagers are not tempted into conversion by hopes they will gain economically.   [48:MOHANTY Hinduism Today June 99]. 

The Christians studied Hinduism in order to undermine it, ditch it, and ultimately destroy it as they have done with so many other religions.
The Hindus should study the Bible to understand Christianity, that will equip them to protect themselves from the Christian onslaught: further, it will also arm the Hindus against the Christian deceit: 

It is important for Hindus to understand Catholic beliefs, and  to realize that individual Catholics may take public stances that obscure the Church's actual doctrines - especially that  the Catholic Church is the one and only means to salvation.

Priests, such as Bede Griffiths, who dress, act and worship like Hindus do confuse Hindus and seek to make Catholicism,  a foreign faith, appear indigenous. [31:HINDUISM TODAY June 99].  

If the Hindus study the actual Christian doctrines, they will not be misled by conciliatory and dubious pronouncements, often resorted to by the missionaries to suit their temporary needs and to misguide the uninformed Hindus.  


It is sad that Hindu society has been exposed to so many catastrophes. After the Muslim vandalism, the British had descended and worked their havoc on the Hindu society. For the last 1,000 years, Hinduism has not got a respite, wherein the Hindus could mend the broken threads, repair the broken bones, and come out of the shell of fear. And the negative wave of secularism introduced by the Westernized Hindus, continues to cut deeply and prevents Hinduism from re-establishing itself in its natural environs to get back the roots. It need not re-establish on feudal lines but even modern Hinduism with a good understanding of the theology and ethics requires efforts and application.  

The pity is that Christian missionaries are imposing on the Hindus the obsolete religion, Christianity. Just like the developed countries selling obsolete technology to India, they are selling their obsolete religion. They want to convert the Hindus, before they become educated. Let Hindus become aware of the dangers lurking from this conversion business. And let the Hindus launch constructive programs in fields like education, health and others, to inject new life into Hinduism.  

STUDY HINDUISM: It is important that the Hindus study their own religion properly. The schools should introduce Hindu moral and religious teachings and the temples should provide supplementary religious education programs, on a regular basis, not depending on stray lecturers. Available temple and mutt resources should be well utilized for this purpose, instead of being frittered away as at present. A common policy on the utilization of these resources should be evolved. At all religious platforms, there should be religious education and discourses in which the public can participate for self-enlightenment.  

CHRISTIANITY A FOREIGN BUSINESS: The most serious threat to Hinduism comes from the evangelistic forces of conversion to Christianity. Being inert, the Hindus wrongly assume that peaceful co-existence will solve the problems. This is a negligent method with dangerous implications. Just like the need to control various foreign businesses, Christianity business should also be controlled to prevent injury to the Indian society. It is necessary to learn the lesson that the missionaries, and people like Mother Teresa, do not have a genuine interest in helping the Indian people as their hidden goal is conversion. If they are concerned with the Indian people in general, why should they always select potential converts for bestowing their love, and insist on bestowing the love of Jesus, as a package deal?  

Christians available in our country are enough for us. Foreign missionaries arriving in India to work in missions should be discouraged, as there is no need for them. They should not just be allowed entry as if in a free market for conversion, as the social problems being created by them become insurmountable. It is not a simple preposition of freedom of religion. Freedom of religion to an individual should not mean freedom to market religion. In special cases, they should be given only a specific period of stay, during which their activities should be watched. They should not be permanently permitted to stay in the country.  

POLICY OF PROTECTION: The undercurrent of conversion activities is slowly getting exposed. This should be valuable education to the Hindus and open their eyes. This should also serve to awaken their consciousness. This is an important essential step in defending Hinduism. The present state of inaction and inertness would need to be replaces by positive actions.  

COUNTERMAND VERBAL ASSAULT: The missionaries have no right to propagate their religion abusing Hinduism. Hindu tolerance has in the past mostly ignored such vituperation. Modern world interprets such inaction on the part of the Hindus as weakness and indication of the existence of a possible basis for such abuses. It is necessary to arrest and correct the misguidance. This can be done by the learned Hindus challenging the missionaries and countermanding their activities. The hollowness of the claims of the missionaries should be exposed in the interest of truth.  

ENFORCE CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS: Constitutional provisions on freedom of religion have to be reinforced so that conversion to another religion by force, fraud, inducement or allurement is prevented. These provisions are not meaningless words confined to the books. There is no justification for permitting foreigners entering the country for the specific business of establishing churches, and resorting to proselytisation. It amounts to aggression in Indian territory.  

Instead of separate acts for each province, to prevent conversion through 'force, fraud or allurement', there should be a central act that makes conversion through force or fraud a cognizable crime. Why should it be a state law? Even a saint like Vinoba Bhave held "a legal ban on conversion would not adversely affect secularism." It is time a legal ban is introduced on all proselytisation and entry of foreigners arriving for the business of conversion. Many countries in the world have banned missionary activities. Malaysia has provided a model that protects the Malays while it permits people of other origins to make their own choice in the matter of religion. 

COURTS & LEGAL REMEDIES: Indian laws have adequate protection against defamation and spread of calumny in order to spread hatred. The general indifference of the Hindu population prevents resort to legal remedies for protection of religion against various forms of aggression and violence. Hindus should overcome this lethargy and act whenever an aggression is committed. They should also use the media to disseminate correct information, and give proper publicity to actions taken, so that distortions are prevented.  

It is important that the Hindus participate in debates and invite challenges in the media and courts and use opportunities to counter all adverse propaganda so that truth is known to all. This action is to be pursued using modern media tools.  

LAND RESOURCES: With its growing population, India faces a severe shortage of land resources. During the colonial rule and earlier periods of aggression, Christian missions occupied extensive lands, often driving out Hindus and destroying their temples. A list of such misappropriated properties are available and they should legitimately be reverted. Even now there is a disproportionate acquisition of scarce land resources for use as huge churches and extensive cemeteries for burial. Appropriation of such huge lands by a minority group simply because they were supported by colonial masters and later were able to get foreign funds to finance their shows, is unacceptable. It is necessary to institute control over such extensive occupation of lands denying it to other citizens for essential uses. We are not asking for a ban and denial of lands, but we are asking for the institution of strict controls on such acquisition of lands for construction of churches and for cemeteries, especially for such exorbitant religious shows organized with foreign funds. When the neo-Christians are eager to copy many Hindu rituals, why can't they adopt cremation as the method of disposal of bodies, as the Hindus efficiently do?

MAKE PRESS RESPONSIBLE: The English language press abroad is totally antagonistic to Hinduism as its politics and Christianity go together. But even in India the English language press has been mostly anti-Hindu in bias, as it was nurtured by British colonialism and considered it fashionable to be anti-Hindu. This bias can be eliminated only by Hindus challenging the falsehood appearing, especially in the English language press, demanding greater accountability and establishing watchdogs to ensure and provide accurate information, when falsehood is spruced in while reporting sensitive issues. Accountability and insistence on truth are the only means to discipline the waveredly press.  

OPENNESS A WEAKNESS: The country is open and is the most liberal in the world. Openness and tolerance in India has been proving itself a weakness, making the country an easy target. Foreign religious vendors use India as a free market for exploitation. It is necessary to place all the activities of the foreign missions under strict surveillance, in the same way the country has to protect its own borders.  

HINDU DHARMA: Hindus should revive their own charitable ethos instead of depending for philanthropy on the foreigners. They should learn to manage their own affairs in the fields of health and education, without assistance from the missionaries. Misusing these spheres of health and education, the missionaries have been proselytising. Really speaking, apart from cutting off sections of the people from their roots and heritage, the Church has achieved nothing. Even the educational institutions and hospitals run by the missions depend on the Hindu teachers, students and doctors, the Hindu patients and the secular government.  

SECULARISM: In modern times it is necessary to reconcile secularism and religious freedom with actions against evangelism and conversion. 'Secularism' grants religious freedom, which means

many religions exist and people are free to choose. In this environment, why should there be proselytisation? Therefore, if secularism has to exist, conversions should stop, as otherwise there will be conflicts and violence. 

OUR FUTURE: Hinduism survived the Muslim onslaught, it survived the British colonial subjugation, and it will survive the Christian missionary invasion too. But the Hindus should have the will and resolve to defend themselves, as the modern enemy is equipped with modern weapons and is, therefore more dangerous.

Knowledge and Truth are the only means to ensure that Hinduism survives and has a bright future.

(Only References cited above are given) 

19. FRAWLEY, DAVID I - Multi-national Conversion Business is like any Multi-national Economic Business. Religious Conversion Controversy Roundtable - 9 Feb 1999. 

20. FRAWLEY, DAVID II - It is strange that Hindus have to get this sense of compassion and charity from Christians. Religious Conversion Controversy Roundtable - 9 Feb 1999. 

21. FRAWLEY, DAVID III - The Ethics of Conversion. Religious Conversion Controversy Roundtable - 9 Feb 1999. 

22. FRAWLEY, DAVID IV - Missionary Activity & Secularism : Pope's Visit - Bharatiya Pragna - October 1999 Volume 1 Number 4 

23. FRAWLEY, DAVID V - Himsa and Ahimsa: The Need for New Policy of Protection REVELATION-3. 

31. HINDUISM TODAY - No Place For Hindus In Catholic Heaven - June 1999. 

32. HINDUISM TODAY - Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave -  June 1999 

48. MOHANTY M.P. - INDIA'S CHRISTIAN CHALLENGE - Hindu resentment toward missionaries's assault on religion and culture erupts in violence - Hinduism Today, June 1999

(Extract from the Book - CONVERSION TO CHRISTIANITY, AGGRESSION IN INDIA by Dr. M. S.Srinivasan, Chairman, First Public Protection Trust, P. O.Box 5094, Chennai 600028, India, E-mail:srinivasan@kmr.net).

Dr. M. S. Srinivasan in a Technocrat who worked in the Government of India and Asian Development Bank. He has written several technical books and papers and (after his retirement) is devoting himself to social development for the last 14 years. He is the Chairman of NJCT - A Model Seniors Home - and FPPT, a public education and public service organisation. Both are presented in Website: http://members.theglobe.com/mssrinivasan.



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