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Gandhi’s concerns over Evangelization
Gandhi viewed all conversions as acts of Spiritual Violence

"How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ had  been"                          

                   - Pope Leo X  (1513 - 1521). The Bible Fraud: An Untold Story of Jesus Christ - By Tony Bushby


As we observe the anniversary of Bapu’s martyrdom in the midst of fierce debate over the activities of an obdurately evangelising church, it is appropriate to recall the Mahatma’s vehement opposition to Christian proselytisation.  Gandhi’s observations on the church in India, made more than half a century ago, have not only withstood the test of time but encompass the entire spectrum of concerns that missionary activities have recently aroused.

Young Gandhian, Niru Vora, deserves credit for bringing out a timely collection of the Mahatma’s writings on the subject in the wake of Pope John Paul It’s call for a harvest of faith in Asia (Gandhiji’s Dialogue with Christianity, Swaraj Peeth Trust, 1999).  In his introduction, eminent Gandhian, Rajiv Vora of the Gandhi Peace Foundation, has effectively summed up of the issues at stake.  As Vora points out, not only has the Pontiff disregarded India ’s civilisational sensibility, he has also charted out a plan for her spiritual doom.  In the face of this enormous challenge, Vora states, it is imperative that we shed our moral, spiritual and intellectual lethargy and make an all out bid to strengthen our flanks.  We have to protect our religious space and cultural ethos, quench the spiritual hunger of our downtrodden, and neutralise the money and muscle power of the missionaries, white taking care not to tread on their just rights as citizens of this country. Vora attributes the dilemmas we face today to the inability of the post-independence Indian state to positively define its secular character.  It is the absence of such a definition, he says, that is responsible for the question that haunt us today. Conscience, comes with the inherited faith; it represents the divine light within us.  To tamper with conscience is to tamper with the work of the Almighty, no less. 


Turning Indian religious traditions into Vatican-franchised museums


Christianity's ambitious march around the World.

India is a country where the minority has more clout in the media and is politically more powerful than the majority and where the Christian Church is the SECOND LARGEST land owner in so called Hindu India.

Christian missions, Gandhi repeatedly emphasized, were intent on uprooting our ancestral faith and replacing it with an alien one. 

Gandhi viewed all conversions, not just forced or mass conversions, as acts of spiritual violence.

We have to protect our religious space and cultural ethos, quench the spiritual hunger of our downtrodden, and neutralise the money and muscle power of the missionaries, white taking care not to tread on their just rights as citizens of this country. 


Gandhi viewed all conversions, not just forced or mass conversions, as acts of Spiritual Violence.  

He termed them as ‘blasphemy’, as ‘the deadliest poison that has ever sapped the very foundation of truth’. Gandhi first experienced the intolerance of Christian evangelists as a young boy in Rajkot .  He would see them at a roadside corner near the High School, pouring venom on Hindus and their gods.  Around the same time he heard stories of Hindu converts being forced to eat beet and drink liquor at their baptism ceremony.  For a brief span Gandhi himself become a target of missionaries who felt he was too good not to be a Christian.  These early encounters, together with later Knowledge of the ruthlessness of missionary activity, turned him into a vociferous opponent of proselytisation.

Christian missions, Gandhi repeatedly emphasised, were intent on uprooting our ancestral faith and replacing it with an alien one.  He clarified that he was not judging Christianity as a religion, just the actions of Christian missionaries.  On the personal front, however, he added, he had tried to experience Christianity, but found that it limited and restricted man’s quest for truth, unlike Hinduism which was truly expansive and gave its followers the widest scope for self-expression. Hinduism alone, Gandhi said, entirely satisfied his soul and filled his being.  The solace he found in the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads, he said, was missing in the Sermon on the Mount.

What he found particularly unpalatable in Christianity, Gandhi confessed, was its refusal to accept the spiritual equality of men.  By insisting that Christianity was superior to other faiths, the church sought to destroy multiplicity of religions and engage in a form of imperial conquest.  Why should Christians, he asked, want to convert Hindus to Christianity, why couldn’t they be satisfied if the Hindus were good or godly men?  



Mahatma Gandhi and The Bhagavad Gita.

"Hinduism alone, Gandhi said, entirely satisfied his soul and filled his being. The solace he found in the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads, he said, was missing in the Sermon on the Mount. " 

"If I had power and could legislate, I should certainly stop all proselytizing". "I resent the overtures made to Harijans." "Stop all conversion, it is the deadliest poison that ever sapped the fountain of truth." Poverty doesn't justify conversion. Gandhi was unequivocal In his condemnation of Christian evangelism. 

Modem India has no reason to deviate from his stand.


Gandhi found missionary presence in India as disruptive of inner peace and social harmony.  He agreed that Hinduism was no longer in its pristine state and a number of wholly unacceptable abuses had crept into it.  But he insisted that every religion had the right to rejuvenate itself.  Hindus were entitled to offer repentance and reparation for the reprehensible practice of Untouchability.  Indeed, he felt that it was vital they did so, for if Untouchability lived, Hinduism, and India itself, would perish.  Christians were welcome to assist in this endeavour, but for them to work independently and seize this as a chance for propaganda was unethical, Gandhi felt. Gandhi dismissed as ‘absurd’ the Christian claim of an upsurge of spiritual hunger among Untouchables, and described most cases of conversion as ‘false coin’. 

He found the British categorisation of tribals as ‘animists’ and ‘aborigines’ unacceptable, and said such thinking was alien to the Hindu ethos.  We may, in fact, view it as another instance of the imperial divide and rule strategy which present-day evangelists, backed by massive foreign funds and foreign government claiming concern with human rights, are seeking to revive.  

Gandhi was unequivocal In his condemnation of Christian evangelism.  Modem India has no reason to deviate from his stand.

(source: Gandhi’s concerns over Evangelization - By Meenakshi Jain The Weekend Observer January 29, 2000).  Refer to Dismantle the evangelical establishment - By Ram Madhav


Gandhi was unequivocal In his condemnation of Christian Evangelism.

Mahatma Gandhi writing in Young India, he observed: 

"If I had power and could legislate, I should certainly stop all proselytizing". In Hindu households the advent of a missionary has meant the disruption of the family coming in the wake of change of dress, manners, language, food and drink .  "I resent the overtures made to Harijans." "Stop all conversion, it is the deadliest poison that ever sapped the fountain of truth." 

"Conversion nowadays has become a matter of business, like any other. India (Hindus) is in no need of conversion of this kind. Conversion in the sense of self-purification, self-realization is the crying need of the times. That however is never what is meant by proselytization. To those who would convert India (Hindus), might it not be said, "Physician, heal yourself." (Young India: April 23, 1931). 

“Every nation considers its own faith to be as good as that of any other. Certainly the great faiths held by the people of India are adequate for her people. India stands in no need of conversion from one faith to another”.

"I hold that proselytisation under the cloak of humanitarian work is unhealthy to say the least. It is most resented by people here. Religion after all is a deeply personal thing. It touches the heart.

"As I wander about through the length and breath of India I see many Christian Indians almost ashamed of their birth, certainly of their ancestral religion, and of their ancestral dress. The aping of Europeans by Anglo-Indians is bad enough, but the aping of them by Indian converts is a violence done to their country and, shall I say, even to their new religion. (Young India: August 8, 1925). 

"I regard Jesus as a great teacher of humanity, but I do not regard him as the only begotten son of God. That epithet in its material interpretation is quite unacceptable. Metaphorically we are all sons of God, but for each of us there may be different sons of God in a special sense. Thus for me Chaitanya may be the only begotten son of God. God cannot be the exclusive Father and I cannot ascribe exclusive divinity to Jesus. (Harijan: June 3, 1937)

"It is my firm opinion that Europe (and the United States) does not represent the spirit of God or Christianity but the spirit of Satan. And Satan"s successes are the greatest when appears with the name of God on his lips. (Young India: September 8, 1920). Christianity in India has been inextricably mixed up for the last one hundred and fifty years with British rule. It appears to us as synonymous with materialistic civilization and imperialistic exploitation by the stronger white races of the weaker races of the world. Its contribution to India has been, therefore, largely negative. (Young India: March 21, 1929)

"Only the other day a missionary descended on a famine area with money in his pocket, distributed it among the famine stricken, converted them to his fold, took charge of their temple, and demolished it. This is outrageous. (Harijan: November 5, 1937). "I consider western Christianity in its practical working a negation of Christ"s Christianity. I cannot conceive Jesus, if he was living in flesh in our midst, approving of modern Christian organizations, public worship, or ministry. (Young India: September 22, 1921).

Pope Benedict Piously invokes Gandhi while calling for Christianization of India

The Vatican invoked the memory of Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi in an appeal on Tuesday for an end to religious violence in India after anti-minority riots killed at least 35 people.

(source: Vatican invokes Gandhi in plea to end Orissa violence - 

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The Future of African Gods - By Professor Molefi Kete Asante

Lessons for Hindus - To deny the validity of one's religion is to deny the validity of one's civilization. 

David Livingstone (1813-1873) was a British Congregationalist pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society and explorer in central Africa .

He spoke of "the white man's burden" to evangelize and civilize the peoples of Africa." (Nobody bothered the ask the Africans what they thought of this!).

Jaques Maquet the anthropologist had called missionary activities in Africa a "religious commando attack, aimed at extirpating 'superstitious and idolatrous' practices and converting whole groups."

The missionaries in general have little respect for African cultures and regard their peoples as ignorant savages. One early twentieth century methodist missionary in Umtali, Zimbabwe, wrote of the people he had set out to evangelize: "Heathen and naked as new born babies, and as ignorant as beetles." The missionaries were, of course, part of the oppressive colonial forces in Africa . Britain ’s imperialistic activities in Africa from 1869 to 1912 had different motives. Britain wanted to colonize, find new markets and materials, attain revenge and world prestige, convert natives to Christianity, and spread the English style of orderly government.


"When the missionaries came to Africa we had the land; they had the Bible. They asked us to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them they had our land, we had the Bible."

                                                          - Jomo Kenyatta (1897-1978), first prime minister of Kenya.

Molefi Kete Asante (born as Arthur Lee Smith Jr. in 1942, in Valdosta , Georgia , USA ) is a contemporary African American scholar in the field of African studies and African American Studies. He is currently Professor in the Department of African American Studies at Temple University , where he founded the first PhD program in African American Studies. He has astutely observed that to deny the validity of one's religion is to deny the validity of one's civilization.

So powerful is the concept of religion when we discuss it in connection with civilization that to deny the validity of one's religion is to deny the validity of one's civilization. Indeed to deny one's religion as valid is to suggest that the person is a pagan, a heathen, uncivilized, and beyond the sphere of humanity. So to talk about religion is to talk about our views of ourselves, our understanding of our ancestors, and our love of our culture.

There are no people without traditions and traditions are the lifeblood of a people. A people who refuse to express its love and appreciation for its ancestors will die because in traditions, if you are not expressing your own, you are participating in and expressing faith in someone else's ancestors. No person is devoid of an attachment to some cultural fountain. Whose water are we drinking?  

Our African history has been a recent orgy of forgetfulness. We have often lost our memories and accepted the gods of those who enslaved and colonized us. This is something the Chinese and the Indians have fought hard to keep at bay. While we have often embraced our enemies gods they have found those gods to be anathema to their interests. Show me the gods we Africans worship and I will show the extent of our moral and ethical decay. Those who speak to us of Christian or Islamic morals have often been the very ones who had defiled our ancestors' memories and called out sacred rites paganism. Malcolm X once said that the world pushes the African around because we give the impression that we are chumps, not champs, but chumps, weaklings, falling over ourselves to follow other people rather than our own traditions.  

What would be anything more pagan than the wanton willful destruction of millions of Africans, Jews, Native Americans, Indians and Chinese by Christians Europeans? How could white men pray to a god on the second floor of a slave dungeon while on the first floor they held our ancestors, yours and mine, in horrible bondage? What kind of religion denied our humanity at the same time they were raping our women, brutalizing our children, and demanding our wealth and our souls?  It is true that the idea of Christian names or Muslim names promotes and advances those cultures. Why must you change your name even if you chose to buy into a foreign religion? What is wrong with your name? Any religion that asks you to do what others do not have to do is asking you to abandon your mother. The question is, why would you abandon your mother?  

Religion in General

What is religion but the deification of ancestors, the making sacred of traditions within the context and history. How can we honor any god who was used against us? The only people who accept alien gods are defeated people; all others honor and accept their own name for the Almighty. We must learn to appreciate ourselves and our traditions. What is wrong with the African God?  What would we think of a Yoruba who accepted Chinese ancestors as his own? We would find it quite interesting and wonder how it came to be. But what of Africans' acceptance of others' gods? Is there no tradition with these alien gods? Of course there is tradition with these gods! To accept the Jews' god or the Arabs' god is to valorize those histories above your own. Indeed, it is to honor the names in those myths and stories higher than your own stories, it is to love the language, the places in their stories above your own. Why is Mecca , Rome , or Jerusalem more sacred that Bosumtwi? Quite simply, it is imperialism, not by force of arms, but by force of religion which sometimes comes armed.  

Tribes, Religion and Identity Determine Success in the New Global Economy - By Joel Kotkin, a book about people ready for the 21st Century claims that only Jews, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, and British are ready. These groups have some commonalities which include (1) strong sense of identity, (2) international network, and (3) a passion for technology. Samuel P Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations claims that there are six major civilizations: Chinese, Japanese, Orthodox, Hindu, Western, Islamic. He says each one has a nation that is vanguard, deeply committed to its religion and history. Africa has no such vanguard nation and furthermore Africa has yet to emerge from under the cloaks of its interventionists. Of 53 nations only one nation is more African in religion than either Christian or Muslim. That nation is small Benin .  

Benin is 87% popular traditional African Religion. But it is a small nation with limited influence in a propaganda fashion. As such we do not expect African traditional religion to play a major part in the civilization of Africa for a long time to come, but we can begin to examine the questions, to raise the issues, and to interrogate our practices. T

he British called Harry Lee the best Englishman east of the British Isles when he finished Oxford . He changed his name, converted to Confucianism and they wondered what happened to him. He learned Mandarin Chinese and became Lee Kuan Yew, a leader who rejected Western values. Asians are calling for Confucianism as they emphasize tradition. The Japanese are calling for Nihonjinron, Japanese values (Cultural nationalism). 

Why must we be stuck with the attitudes and values of the European, so-called Christian values, particularly since they have shown themselves to be bankrupt on many fronts.

(source: The Future of African Gods - by Professor Molefi Kete Asante).  Refer to Christian Missionaries

Note:  Why these double standards?  Why is Asian Nationalism (Nihonjinron, Confucianism and Hindutva) not desirable and worrisome to the West but American nationalism (wrapping oneself in the flag specially after Sept 11, 2001) considered noble?  

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Christian Ummah

Have a look at this report.

India ’s Vengeful Christians turn to Murder as Hindus Step up Their Killing Campaign” 

The story is a toxic blend of deception and half-truths. If this is the “editorial excellence” of the mainstream media of Anglo Saxons, one can imagine the bile their fringe publications must be pouring over the rest of humanity. The story has exactly the same quality and commitment to “truth” as you see in any Urdu magazine published from a Muslim ghetto in Pakistan . That is why I say that don’t mistake Anglo-Saxons for harmless creatures just because they drink Coke and use expensive Cologne . They are no different in toxicity than a Afghan Mullah in a cave.

It is fascinating to see the Christian Ummah in action. Both Muslims and Christians want to screw the unbelievers and take over their land and rule ove them, and both have the modus operandi of “keep blaming the victim as you cut his throat.”

The strategy is simple: first convert the unbelievers, and then arm the converts. The Whites are masters of this game. Currently, they are pumping in money quietly in Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Tamil Nadu to create a critical mass of converts out of us heathens. They will then weaponize the newly brainwashed converts and start a terrorist movement against the rest of the unbelievers in their own country. This is the strategy that we are now seeing unfolding before us in India .

The Whites have tasted blood and have been screwing other races for 500 years and capturing their land and resources to fatten themselves. Their genes have got corrupted and become a liability to this world. They will not rest or stop easily just because we politely ask them to. Only force and firm action will work against them. China has understood this. The Whites and their church will make short work of all “secular” and “non-violent” races, especially those who are still sitting on a huge expanse of land even after Partition.

(source: Christian Ummah -  Refer to The Cuckoo Land of Creationists and Why do people laugh at creationists?”

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